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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Beyong Good and Evil 2 'Debut' Teaser


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Too bad I never played the first one. I heard good things about it. I wonder how Ubisoft will get people who didn't play the first one to be willing to play this one. I'm very interested in BG&E2



PS3 and 360 

I thought the franchise would have done better on the wii. Whatever, I might get it.

DAY 1, glad to see its for 360/PS3, well done UBI

Soriku said:

They should have put it on the Wii also. Don't Ubi realize that the first BG&E didn't sell well? Why are you putting it on the PS3/360 then only?

I don't care for this game much, but Ubi is retarded.

Very retarded. But hey, it's their money to lose, not ours. Didn't play the first one, doubt very many people played the first one at all actually. On top of that, they decide to place a game like this on FPS-dense systems...I don't know how much they are gonna sell. Oh well. Not my problem.

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I am a name is hard is that? (Don't ask about the 101...apparantely there are more of me out there....)

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Looks like a 2009, thank God. Man this is going to awesome.

pakidan101 said:
Soriku said:

They should have put it on the Wii also. Don't Ubi realize that the first BG&E didn't sell well? Why are you putting it on the PS3/360 then only?

I don't care for this game much, but Ubi is retarded.

Very retarded. But hey, it's their money to lose, not ours. Didn't play the first one, doubt very many people played the first one at all actually. On top of that, they decide to place a game like this on FPS-dense systems...I don't know how much they are gonna sell. Oh well. Not my problem.

Probably as well as Lost Odyssey if they can give it decent marketing which was something the original BG&E didn't get


Well, this isn't on the Wii either? Hmm.... I wonder how 360 owners will handle a game wth a female protagonist. I own a 360 and I could care less but not everybody is Especially when they could fight with a cooler looking space marine. Plus, that's 60 bucks that could be spent on something from an established franchise.

On the PS3 side, Heavenly Sword sold 1 million copies so there is no argument there, plus Lara Croft, hello.......

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

PC too according to IGN, but I'm not buying it. I'm pissed as hell that they killed the art style of the first game to make this ugly crap. I don't want BG&E: Half-life. Screw you Ubisoft for killing your last great franchise.

they should of also made it for wii

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