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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Will Ninty lose the war if Sony & M$ develop similar or better controller?

b. Imitating the Wiimote

To increase the value of the PS3, the Sony should imitate the Wiimote, which we call the “PSmote”. The PSmote should be made compatible with both the PS2 and the PS3. As we propose later in this article Sony should use both consoles to fill two different market niches. If successful, the PSmote will add great value to both consoles.In the low-end market, it will keep those PS2 owners who like the motion sensing controller from switching to the Wii. In the high-end market, it will help the PS3 attract some potential buyers of the Xbox 360.

In the long run, Microsoft is expected to develop the technology as well, but at least it will diminish the competitive advantage of the Wii.Sony should first try to imitate the Wiimote with slightly different technology on which Sony can obtain patents itself. This should not be too difficult since the Wiimote is presumably simple enough to reverse engineer yet complex enough that functional  variants would be easy to produce. In addition, the technology embedded in the Wiimote is not effectively protected by patents as compared to a chemical formula or a simple mechanical design [10].

 If the patent issue can’t be resolved, however, Sony can try to obtain a license from Nintendo. Generally Nintendo would not be willing to give away its most important advantage to its biggest rival, even though licensing the technology to Sony would significantly increase its revenue. Alternatively, Sony can get a license from the companies that have sued Nintendo for patent infringement of the Wiimote [11, 12].As a last resort, Sony can opt to violate the patents and face the legal ramifications later.Historically this has often amounted to little more than a fair licensing fee for the units sold as determined by the court.

At the same time, games should be developed for both consoles that showcase the PSmote. Besides designing new games, Sony can ask developers to upgrade the current PS2 and PS3 games to include the PSmote functionality. It can also get the third-party publishers to port games that have been designed specifically for the Wii into the PS2 and PS3 format. Considering the huge installed base of the PS2 and the potential installed base of the PS3, third-party publishers would be more than happy to port the games to recoup the investment in developing the games. This is also supported by the fact that most third-party games can run on multiple platforms .

Sony: Maintaining Dominance with PlayStation 3
Jie Cheng, Mark Freeman-Aloiau, Xin Guo, Anthony Pullen
California Institute of Technology, March 6th, 2007
This is a commisioned study by a premier engineering school. Two interesting things come from this. First they assume that motion control is superior and a serious threat to Sony. Second, there is no question about it being anything but a straight hijack, changing it just enough to try and get around patents; breaking patents if necessary. As far as our friends here who think Sony will improve the control, that's not mentioned. Notice that their first recommendation is just to license from Nintendo if they can.

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sc94597 said:
disolitude said:

360 controller is more than adiquate for Halo 3...but mouse and keyboard would be better. Wii mote however would not... Thats what we are comparing right? You are right in saying that it is the next step in the evolution for gaming...its just not there yet.

I'm guessing microsoft or sony will take the best ideas of the wii mote and develop it in to something else by next gen.

However there is no need to copy wii mote this gen in hopes to catch simply doesn't work as well as it should...not yet anyways.

Wii mote is far more accurate than dual analog, and it also allows for quicker movements. Not only that, but it allows for movements on axis which pc& mouse doesn't have, but losing some accuracy, which an upgraded wiimote could get. So yes the wii mote is an upgrade to dual analog, and has the potential to be an upgrade to keyboard&mouse.


If thats so...then please tell me why aren't most wii games we have seen thus far hardcore titles that require accuracy and quick gameplay movements? Or why my little sister throws harder in boom blox by flicking her wrist compared to me who can throw a pretty decent fastball? Accuracy indeed...

I'm sorry  but I've played MOH2 and Metroid 3 and while the controls do the job...they are not as good or as accurate as a regular controller due to lack of dual analogs. The whole tilt wii mote to the left if you want to turn left doesn't work for me...

The only game I've played that was better with wiimote was RE4...and that game was godly on the wii. Wiimote + 1 on that one...

Ahahaha..... Seriously?

disolitude said:
sc94597 said:
disolitude said:

360 controller is more than adiquate for Halo 3...but mouse and keyboard would be better. Wii mote however would not... Thats what we are comparing right? You are right in saying that it is the next step in the evolution for gaming...its just not there yet.

I'm guessing microsoft or sony will take the best ideas of the wii mote and develop it in to something else by next gen.

However there is no need to copy wii mote this gen in hopes to catch simply doesn't work as well as it should...not yet anyways.

Wii mote is far more accurate than dual analog, and it also allows for quicker movements. Not only that, but it allows for movements on axis which pc& mouse doesn't have, but losing some accuracy, which an upgraded wiimote could get. So yes the wii mote is an upgrade to dual analog, and has the potential to be an upgrade to keyboard&mouse.


If thats so...then please tell me why aren't most wii games we have seen thus far hardcore titles that require accuracy and quick gameplay movements? Or why my little sister throws harder in boom blox by flicking her wrist compared to me who can throw a pretty decent fastball? Accuracy indeed...

I'm sorry  but I've played MOH2 and Metroid 3 and while the controls do the job...they are not as good or as accurate as a regular controller due to lack of dual analogs. The whole tilt wii mote to the left if you want to turn left doesn't work for me...

The only game I've played that was better with wiimote was RE4...and that game was godly on the wii. Wiimote + 1 on that one...

You have to change Metroid Prime 3 from default settings to advance, but even on the default settings you could move much faster. If it's not fast enoough change the sensitivity. With dual analog you have to move a stick to demostrate the movement of a gun, but it is in no way as accurate where you could hit a pixel in a second or two as you see in metroid prime. Not to mention how good it feels to grapple a sheild rip it off then start shooting. I actually like how it's not centered on the middle like most console fps, because that allows for more realism. YOu could argue how much you want about how much better dual shock is than the wiimote, but when it comes down to it the FACTS are the wii mote as being more accurate.


trestres said:
Of course the Wii is better in terms of control, since developers have both choices when they make a game: Motion controls or Standard controls.

Or even both on the same game. So Nintendo doesnt need to worry about people like Disolitude, who think Nintendo is for kiddies with their new approach.

I call it being insecure and jealous to an extent. Then copying and still failing, that's what's going to happen to Microsoft or Sony if they even try. Bad move, cause not everyone will have the controller, therefore a reduced fanbase for developers, it will also bring down the image of the selfproclaimed "hardcore tough mature guys" by adding "kiddie" features to their consoles and on top of that, new games will be ready by 2010? Good luck MS or Sony on this one.

I'd love to use gamecube controller on mario galaxy. Except I can't...  Nintendo is full of choices indeed. Tomorrow I'll have a choice of using a 1 gig or a 2 gig SD card to store my downloads...decisions...

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^actually it think mario galaxy wouldnt be as good with the gc controller as it is with the wii mote

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

I'll say no. I mean there are tons of MP3 players way better then the I-pod... yet...

Having a better product is only part of it. The Wii is synonymous with motion controls at the moment.

disolitude said:
trestres said:
Of course the Wii is better in terms of control, since developers have both choices when they make a game: Motion controls or Standard controls.

Or even both on the same game. So Nintendo doesnt need to worry about people like Disolitude, who think Nintendo is for kiddies with their new approach.

I call it being insecure and jealous to an extent. Then copying and still failing, that's what's going to happen to Microsoft or Sony if they even try. Bad move, cause not everyone will have the controller, therefore a reduced fanbase for developers, it will also bring down the image of the selfproclaimed "hardcore tough mature guys" by adding "kiddie" features to their consoles and on top of that, new games will be ready by 2010? Good luck MS or Sony on this one.

I'd love to use gamecube controller on mario galaxy. Except I can't...  Nintendo is full of choices indeed. Tomorrow I'll have a choice of using a 1 gig or a 2 gig SD card to store my downloads...decisions...

You need some reading comprehension lessons.
I never said it was a CONSUMER choice, it is a DEVELOPER choice to opt for one or another or even both (MKWii for example)

Stop it with that Nintendo hate, it's getting really old man.

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

brute said:
^actually it think mario galaxy wouldnt be as good with the gc controller as it is with the wii mote

 Yeah, I agree actually.  It'd be impossible to play Mario Galaxy with a GC controller anwyay.  You've got those sections where you need to direct yourself with the pointer while doing other stuff.

Either way, I just perfer regular games without motion controls with the wiimote as well.  It's just way more comfortable to streatch out with a controller then having both your hands right next to each other.

brute said:
^actually it think mario galaxy wouldnt be as good with the gc controller as it is with the wii mote

 I guess we will never know...