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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What third party has been the most loyal to Nintendo this generation?

We're all tired of the terrible games that many third party devs. are releasing on the Wii and we're glad that they are attempting to fix their mistakes, but, has any company stayed loyal? Well, as loyal as a third party could be?

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That's kind of a confusing question. Given the success of the Wii, several companies are flocking to it. So how do you define loyal? Ubisoft has been supporting the system since launch, although they released some crap games and used it as an excuse to somewhat ignore it. Electronic Arts supports pretty much every system.

Sega seems to fit the category the best, although they're really only going with the console that sells their games the best. They've released, to prime sales the Sonic series, some arcade ports, and their first Monkey Ball game.



EA and Ubisoft were really the only two really there for the first two months coming out with games as far as major publishers go. Out of the two, EA was delivering more quality and Ubisoft was really doing more cashing in. On the Virtual Console side you had SEGA and Hudson dropping old titles like it's hot. In my order of loyalty:

1. EA
3. Hudson
4. Ubisoft

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

MontanaHatchet said:
That's kind of a confusing question. Given the success of the Wii, several companies are flocking to it. So how do you define loyal? Ubisoft has been supporting the system since launch, although they released some crap games and used it as an excuse to somewhat ignore it. Electronic Arts supports pretty much every system.

Sega seems to fit the category the best, although they're really only going with the console that sells their games the best. They've released, to prime sales the Sonic series, some arcade ports, and their first Monkey Ball game.

 I would define loyal as developing quality games for the Wii.

Sega...but Sega has love for everyone.

I don't think anyone has yet made wii their primary development platform that has not been on the nintendo's payroll.

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well EA,sega,ubisoft and capcom have all supported wii

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Majesco... even though I hear people screaming when they read this name, I think they're fully supporting Nintendo (especially the DS)

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

Ubisoft... The only company that had a decent launch release: RRR and Red Steel.

Wii Code: 4819-7684-2396-4558

Considering no company has been loyal last gen, I don't know what to say... From what we've seen, there's not much loyalty yet.

However, EA and Capcom are both publishing quality titles on the Wii.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


sega and capcom also EA those are the only developers that have released games on the wii that are worth playing

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99