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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Developing “Transformer” Controller

Imagine if could turn into a toaster... or another PS3....

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something tells me with all the blunders sony has made this generation, they aren't going to just release a controller that only works ok. Really, if "works perfect for fps games" equals switching around the dpad and analog stick, colour me unimpressed. 


Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

It's ROB the robot, all over again.

=p That's cool.

I've already bought 4 sixaxis controllers before the dualshock 3 was announced, and intend to buy 4 ds3 soon. Don't bring out another controller so soon

Hi, i'm solojohlo and i'm pretty fucking awesome

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8 controllers? seriously. i only have 1 dualshock 3. like, u really shouldnt have bought those other controllers. u could have bought a second ps3. well if u buy another 4 controllers, which are dualshock 3.

I think it might be best to remove the pictures from the original post since most people will think the actual controller will look like that.

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to slay all the giants.


Interesting concept , not a Wii mote killer though.

solojohlo said:
I've already bought 4 sixaxis controllers before the dualshock 3 was announced, and intend to buy 4 ds3 soon. Don't bring out another controller so soon

 Only 7 can connect at the same time

OT: I want to know more about this before I decide, but if it has better analogue sticks for FPSs, or something where you can transform it into a lightgun (or a lightsaber....), then it would be a very good idea, taking the best of both worlds, allowing the wii-waggling and traditional gameplay
