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Forums - Sony Discussion - Heavenly Sword Sequel Not Happening

brute said:
SpartanFX said:
DMeisterJ said:
SpartanFX said:
Rumor has it that HS2 is in production by ready at dawn at the moment .

HS is sony's IP and they didn't want ninja theory to make the next one.they gave the IP to another dev team.

Ready at Dawn did say that they were doing bigger games, not portables anymore...

And since Sony's shown them some love (God of War, Daxter), they're probably working on HS2. They do really good with Sony IPs and don't fuck them up. I hope that they are doing it, because they do good work on games.

yea it was on one of the magazines that said HS2 is in fact in production and the next news was Ready at dawn is working on a big PS3 game .


Ninja theory was not efficient ,,,they worked on this game for 3-4 years and the game was 8 hours long(brilliant game non the less),,so it's natural that Sony would look for another dev team.


but maybe theyre big ps3 game would be GOW3

the same studio as GOW1 and 2 is working now on GOW 3(santa monica studio)


so it's more than likely that ready at dawn is working on HS2 





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ok thnks guys that clears things up

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

That's really too bad. I hate to see what is the best voice-acted game in ages that happens to be the *only* completely successful use of the SixAxis thus far get cast to the side.

Sure, HS had its problems. It was too short and too repetitive. Above that, there was some really quality material in the game. Shit, just the use of Andy Serkis as Bohan deserves a fair amount of credit.

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How is the story going to be affected? Thats all I care about. Having 2 different people tell a story gets shitty sometimes. Unless the same director and script writer is in the project for the sequel...

I haven't played the firsty one, but I am still hoping a sequel is made. If it is made by someone else, I hope they don't change too much except address the complaint of the original game being too short.

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PooperScooper said:
How is the story going to be affected? Thats all I care about. Having 2 different people tell a story gets shitty sometimes. Unless the same director and script writer is in the project for the sequel...

well they might know the first ones story very well and will know how to make the next one

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

brute said:
PooperScooper said:
How is the story going to be affected? Thats all I care about. Having 2 different people tell a story gets shitty sometimes. Unless the same director and script writer is in the project for the sequel...

well they might know the first ones story very well and will know how to make the next one

But the second one would have nothing to do with the first one.

First one was more about Nariko and her tribe. I was hoping the next one would talk more about the sword. In order for that you would need the people who knew where they were going with the first one, or else it can become a jumbled confusing shit storm.

^yeah you do make a point now,at first i didnt really get you cause i havent really played the game

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Like I would like to know what the sword is and where it came from. Who made it/wielded it before her. Why does it do what it does. Is it evil or is it good.

We have a very vague and mystical background story of the sword, and I suppose someone else can pick it up... but the only ones who really knew the story of the sword were the people who knew where they were going.

Thats why I'm worried with someone else making it. You get a vision and a groove and stop working on something with someone else to finish trying to read into things that either made sense to only you or werent suppose to be read into.

Example: My brother and his friend do this weird thing (after smokin) they will bust out the color pencils and draw on 2 separate papers. after a while they will switch and finish the drawing. The thing is what you were drawing first wasnt the same thing they were so now your thought process changes. Instead of going what you were drawing you have to interpret what they were drawing and finish it. Someone could be drawing a face while the other was drawing skyscrapers. Getting a half finished skyscraper might look like a chess board to someone. And a face might look like a half finished mountain top.

Half the time when they are done they'll talk about what they were going for and what they liked or disliked what the other did. In the end its usually completely different.

great game. loved it to death. its length was actually perfect for me.

i want only two changes: some enemy variety (the combat system cant do it all on its own) and make the battle system less reliant on counters.

please keep up the absolutely fantastic acting and voice acting your games ninja theory. the only character i didnt care for was nariko's father, but he was supposed to be like that.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.