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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Have any Jrpgs been a commercial success this gen?

Kasz216 said:
mrstickball said:
The problem with JRPGs is that, for the most part, they were all on 1 pretty cut-and-clear winning console last gen. This gen, the 360 and PS3 are fighting all over the scraps, while the only console that could sell them (Wii) is getting overlooked alot.

The PS3 has had JRPGs. They've all tanked or underperformed thus far - Folklore, Valkyrie of the Battlefield, Disagaea 3, Enchanted Arms, ect.

The only one I can think of that probably made money was Square's DQ: Swords...And that tanked outside of the initial 2 week sales in Japan.

The closest more traditional success has been Lost Odyssey, which is nearing 700,000 and should get higher.

The big load of real, competent JRPGs hasn't hit the market - IU, FF13, SO4, ToV, ect. At the end of 08, when we have atleast IU and TOV out, we'll see a much clearer view of how the market will be going.

I don't put alot of hope in FF13 selling gangbusters on the PS3. Every exclusive title that has been on the PS3 from the old holdovers hasn't done awesome..And when your relying so much on Japan, it'll either make or break you.

Well all JRPGs tanked after the first week or two... usually. DQ swords sales were just weird... really though. It's all about hitting that small niche.

I expect Final Fantasy to sell really well, but i still think PS3 won't be able to sell your regular RPGs. I don't see a lot of the regular RPG fans buying a PS3 for FF13.


That's because FFXIII hasn't come out yet


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darthdevidem01 said:

original as in the team that evolved from FF1 (some may have left....some may not and so on).... but didn't make FF12 (that was tactics)

Actually, the director for FFXII is the mastermind behind the tactics series so of course the games are similar in presentation and style. The team responsible for programming the game should be the same bunch of groups who've worked on the series since its inception (sans a few key members who are no longer with the company).

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PhatLaosBoi said:
ssj12 said:
Your taking JRPGs on an American Console. This is the problem right now with the current JRPGs. Any JRPGs released on the Wii and PS3 will easily see over a million sales.

I wouldn't say "easily see over a million sales" because there hasn't been a JRPG for either consoles to top a million in sales yet. Unless you prove me wrong, I'll stand behind my statement.

Well considering the PS3 doesnt have a single JRPG its kind of hard for it to sell 1 million copies of zero games.

@totalwar - Valkyria Chronicles is an SRPG not a JRPG.

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rocketpig said:
It's sad but it seems as if people are reluctant to buy anything not labeled Final Fantasy and to a lesser extent, Square-Enix.

I'm hoping for decent results from Infinite Undiscovery (given the developer record, it should be very good) but other than that, I don't see anything taking off until FF XIII.

The latest trailer put up on Gametrailers recently was not so hot.  Very poor voice acting, cliche plot and themes, and crappy graphics for this gen.  To make matters worse it looks like they are copying the FFXII combat system.  

Then what is Folklore? Enchanted Arms?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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naznatips said:
rocketpig said:
It's sad but it seems as if people are reluctant to buy anything not labeled Final Fantasy and to a lesser extent, Square-Enix.

I'm hoping for decent results from Infinite Undiscovery (given the developer record, it should be very good) but other than that, I don't see anything taking off until FF XIII.

The latest trailer put up on Gametrailers recently was not so hot. Very poor voice acting, cliche plot and themes, and crappy graphics for this gen. To make matters worse it looks like they are copying the FFXII combat system.

I know... Stop crushing my hopes and dreams, Naz.

Or check out my new webcomic:

mrstickball said:
Then what is Folklore? Enchanted Arms?

They are both SRPGs

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ssj12 said:
mrstickball said:
Then what is Folklore? Enchanted Arms?

They are both SRPGs

Folklore is a SRPG? How do you figure?  Folklore is the exact opposite of a SRPG. 

naznatips said:
rocketpig said:
It's sad but it seems as if people are reluctant to buy anything not labeled Final Fantasy and to a lesser extent, Square-Enix.

I'm hoping for decent results from Infinite Undiscovery (given the developer record, it should be very good) but other than that, I don't see anything taking off until FF XIII.

The latest trailer put up on Gametrailers recently was not so hot. Very poor voice acting, cliche plot and themes, and crappy graphics for this gen. To make matters worse it looks like they are copying the FFXII combat system.

I could have sworn that IGN said that the graphics were gorgeous.


Riachu said:
naznatips said:
rocketpig said:
It's sad but it seems as if people are reluctant to buy anything not labeled Final Fantasy and to a lesser extent, Square-Enix.

I'm hoping for decent results from Infinite Undiscovery (given the developer record, it should be very good) but other than that, I don't see anything taking off until FF XIII.

The latest trailer put up on Gametrailers recently was not so hot. Very poor voice acting, cliche plot and themes, and crappy graphics for this gen. To make matters worse it looks like they are copying the FFXII combat system.

I could have sworn that IGN said that the graphics were gorgeous.




The character models are very low poly.  Some special effects are absolutley horrible.  The water effects are nearly identical to what you would find on the PS2.  Look at the particle effects on the smoke at 2:00.  Trust me, none of this is anywhere near current generation standards. 

The whole thing looks very rushed and unpolished.