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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official MGS4 review Thread

This review thread is messy, THIS ( ) is what a real review should look like.

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Add Gamepro to the list of reviews.  Apparently they gave it a 5/5....another perfect score.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450

bbsin said:
This review thread is messy, THIS ( ) is what a real review should look like.

Shameless self promotion... I like it. 

Or check out my new webcomic:

rocketpig said:
bbsin said:
This review thread is messy, THIS ( ) is what a real review should look like.

Shameless self promotion... I like it.

 Hey, what can i say?

Added the GamePro review with their quote

Every once in a long while, a game will come along and change all the rules. Final Fantasy VII transformed the RPG genre, Resident Evil helped create a new sub-category of gaming--survival horror--and Grand Theft Auto III single-handedly reshaped the gaming landscape.

And now comes Metal Gear Solid 4, a game whose potential influence on the current state of gaming is nothing short of tectonic.

MGS4 is going to be epic
Btw I also couldn't kil the end, he was just so difficult, every time I was lying somewhere he suddenly stood in my back. That really scared the shot out of me sometimes. So yeah I just killed hem by turning my PS2 clock a week later :D

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DragonLord said:

Add Gamepro to the list of reviews.  Apparently they gave it a 5/5....another perfect score.

it will be getting alot of those

tag:"reviews only matter for the real hardcore gamer"

Hmm we'll see not everyone like MGS, ya know ^^

wow they are all very good reviews,first day sale for me

Why post all these scans? And why read them.

I know too much already. The iPod stuff... It would have been cooler if I found that out myself. Being an ex-journalist, the only thing I want to know is: is it good enough to buy, or should I let it be. And if its good enough to buy, the less you know, the better. Because then there's just more to discover.

imo, everyone with any interest at all in action adventures, who also owns a PS3, should buy MGS4. Period.

@Prodigy, You and I are on the same line about what you're saying. Games I'd iike to have I wish to know very little about, only if it will be a buy which is worth my money or a total waste. MGS4 I'm planning to buy, so nice those pictures but further than that I close my eyes until I throw the disc into my PS3. Therefore the special dedicated threads about the game I ignore mostly as I'm too affraid to be spoiled too much, before I'm even able to play the game.

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