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Forums - Sony Discussion - Bluray vs hddvd - HD-DVD Buyers Beware

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Sony Sux!

Sony Sux!

Please ignore the last 6 posts...sigh...

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

sieanr said:
Well launch games like Motorstorm, Resistance and Oblivion (the three games I bought) all use well beyond the storage capacity of DVDs. I don't have to read about what developers have to say, I can figure this one out myself.

Funny, that developer said Bluray hurt their game due to the slow disc speed. Either way, Oblivion was the exact same assets as 360/PC, and those didnt need Bluray.

I'm so sorry my post offended you soo much, but its not like your post contributed anything to the discussion. Especially when you responded to someones complaint of $400 HD players with a tirade on the PS3s upscaling ability and HD. Its just that I've been in plenty of forums where people of go on and on about the most inane things the PS3 can do, all the while acting like its the bees knees - which just comes off as desperate, very similar to a used car salesman.

But again, sorry for the opinion. Next time I'll remember internet forums are no place for expressing ones viewpoint, especially when one person thinks its useless...

 Funny, maybe you never read about the 5 second load times. Their on par with a mid-high end computer. Too bad the x-box has like 10x longer load times. It's a pity that the low disc speeds destroyed the games ability to have fast loading compared to the x-box360. 5 second load times is SOOOO much worse than 30-50 second load times. ;)

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

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BenKenobi88 said:
Please ignore the last 6 posts...sigh...

 Can I ignore yours too?

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

No. My post is un-ignorable.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

@ sieanr

Funny, that developer said Bluray hurt their game due to the slow disc speed. Either way, Oblivion was the exact same assets as 360/PC, and those didnt need Bluray.

They stated this comment was dragged way out of context. The PS3's Blu-Ray drive isn't really slow at reading data at all, on average it's actually faster than the XBox 360 drive can read dual-layer DVDs and I think most future top ranking XBox 360 games will come supplied on dual-layer DVDs as we are already starting to see multi-disc games appear for the XBox 360.

Sustained reading speed can come in handy for developers, as they can easily predict how much data can be streamed from the disc, this is not the case for DVD for which the reading speed is heavily dependent on the location of the disc being read. Also every PS3 has a harddrive for developers to take advantage of to temporary cache large amounts of data to the PS3's harddrive.

Oblivion loads much faster on the PS3, despite the higher quality textures. I guess one reason Oblivion for the PS3 contains much more data is not only due to the higher quality textures, but they also added additional content.

Have a look at this PS3 review:

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

@ Dolla Dolla & Gballzack

OK, I already replied why I think the Blu-Ray vs HD DVD format "war" is hard to compare with the PS3 vs XBox 360 outlook. I would be very interested to know what exactly you think will happen to put HD DVD back on the map?

I listed a few reasons why I think PS3 sales will be boosted:

1) Exclusive high profile games which are yet to be released, we are talking about huge 10-25 million USD projects. Both new franchises and games series which performed excellent on the PS2.
2) System software enhancements and the free Home service.
3) Huge performance gains for redesigned games engines which take advantage of the Cell's SPEs.

So what will push HD DVD back on the map?

Exclusive movies?

If you look at the DVD charts, the titles to appear as Blu-Ray exclusives on average performed better than the anticipated HD DVD exlcusives.

Price drop?

Blu-Ray and HD DVD both use similar technology. If HD DVD hardware technology drops in price, so can Blu-Ray players. The initial disc production cost benefit of HD DVD, as it uses the older DVD replication methods has been overcome and on average Blu-Ray discs are produced cheaper than their HD DVD equivalents.

If you want to belittle or make fun of other people's perspectives then why not at least share some understandable reasoning? What is going to happen to turn the current events around? Here in Europe HD DVD is losing shelf space and at various retailers is being replaced completely by Blu-Ray, at the local store of the biggest European electronics retailer the remaining unsold HD DVDs have now been placed within the Blu-Ray section!

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

MikeB said:

People who want to play PS3 games but aren't interested in high definition movies are forced to buy a Blu-ray drive that they do not need because a common DVD drive would be sufficient for games. (I know Sony-affine developers are claiming the opposite, but what else should they do? Telling people that Blu-ray is not necessary at all for their game wouldn't be very smart.)

Well launch games like Motorstorm, Resistance and Oblivion (the three games I bought) all use well beyond the storage capacity of DVDs. I don't have to read about what developers have to say, I can figure this one out myself.

Well, we do not know how many duplicate files (to speed up loading times) and dummy files are on those discs and what kind of compression is used (if at all). Since I cannot provide any facts (I don't have a PS3), I won't try to convince you any further, but I still think a basic DVD drive would have been sufficient.


MikeB said:

Nevertheless the DVD Forum has voted HD DVD to be the high definition successor of the standard DVD.

The DVD Consortium as it was originally called included the following founding members:

* Hitachi, Ltd. Blu-Ray
* Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. Blu-Ray
* Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Blu-Ray
* Pioneer Electronic Corporation Blu-Ray
* Royal Philips Electronics N.V. Blu-Ray
* Sony Corporation Blu-Ray
* Thomson Blu-Ray
* Time Warner Inc. Supporting Both formats non-exclusively
* Toshiba Corporation HD DVD
* Victor Company of Japan, Ltd. (JVC) Blu-Ray (Blu-Ray consortium, technology contributor, not member of the the board of directors)

Amongst the companies mentioned above Blu-Ray board members include companies like Apple, Dell, LG, Samsung, Sharp, TDK, Sun Microsystems, etc.

True, but that doesn't change anything about the fact that HD DVD is the official DVD successor (as can be read in the Wikipedia article that I referred to above). This is also the reason why Blu-ray isn't even mentioned on the official site of the DVD Forum, while HD DVD has a complete section devoted to it: