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@ sieanr

Funny, that developer said Bluray hurt their game due to the slow disc speed. Either way, Oblivion was the exact same assets as 360/PC, and those didnt need Bluray.

They stated this comment was dragged way out of context. The PS3's Blu-Ray drive isn't really slow at reading data at all, on average it's actually faster than the XBox 360 drive can read dual-layer DVDs and I think most future top ranking XBox 360 games will come supplied on dual-layer DVDs as we are already starting to see multi-disc games appear for the XBox 360.

Sustained reading speed can come in handy for developers, as they can easily predict how much data can be streamed from the disc, this is not the case for DVD for which the reading speed is heavily dependent on the location of the disc being read. Also every PS3 has a harddrive for developers to take advantage of to temporary cache large amounts of data to the PS3's harddrive.

Oblivion loads much faster on the PS3, despite the higher quality textures. I guess one reason Oblivion for the PS3 contains much more data is not only due to the higher quality textures, but they also added additional content.

Have a look at this PS3 review:

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales