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Forums - General Discussion - The Problem with America Today (No it's not videogames)

ssj12, Bob Barr is running for the libertarian party if you like him. thought i should mention in case you hadnt heard.

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I agree with Douglas Adams when he said

""The Major problem-one of the major problems, for there are several-one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.

To summarize: it a well known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made president should on no account be allowed to do the job. To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem"

I feel that voting for anyone who wants to be president is probably a bad idea. Unfortunately I can't take a brilliant hostage and force him to rule the country. Nor can I get a crazy but supposedly savant like genius to live in a shack in the middle of no where with his cat, and have congress and the senate consult him over important fiscal policy and foreign affairs without his knowing exactly why these strange men keep asking him these questions...if they are in fact asking him questions.

I think all three candidates are rather disgusting, and the third party candidates are just as bad but with a side of unpopular opinions. I try to stay out of politics because in general, I hate vomiting in my mouth.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

MrBubbles said:
ssj12, Bob Barr is running for the libertarian party if you like him. thought i should mention in case you hadnt heard.

 Nader has a better chance then Barr. If Paul ranas a 3rd party, then I would be behind him. But he isnt. Paul imho would be the best candidate to run as a libertarian, otherwise no one has the experience or intelligence to be President out of that party.

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Nader has a better chance than Barr? Isn't that like saying my penis has a better chance of magically transforming into a tuba than a lizard? If you're 3rd party you don't have any chance.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

FoldedAtHome said:

The problem is that a slight majority of Americans are Bigots.

Even amongst democrats, at least 40% think Gender and Race are quualifications for Presidency.

If all Democrats voted on facts and human rights, Obama would have won long ago.

e.g. Obama voted against the Iraq war (major human rights violation there) Clinton voted for it. Obama voted for banning cluster bombs in Cities (great in FPS's when all the bomblets explode, not so great in real life when 5 years after a war some middle eastern child can't play videogames because his hands were blown off by an unexploded bomblet.) Clinton voted against banning them. (I guess she likes it when non-white children lose their limbs)

Feminist Clinton supporters must think gender is more important than life or death human rights issues. And that qualifies them as bigots. Them plus a majority of republicans equals a majority of Americans... And that's the sad state of the America today.

 Welcome to VGChartz! Too bad all of the stuff here pertaining to video games and charts can't light your fire. I guess nothing makes you feel more validated as a human being than branding people as ingorant bigots. Have fun living that kind of life.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."

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I wouldn't say 40% of democrats are bigots or most Americans.  America seems to be... at least in policy... a lot less racist then most countries.

The problem with THE ENTIRE WORLD is 40% of people or so.

It's called a bell curve.

FoldedAtHome said:

The problem is that a slight majority of Americans are Bigots.

Even amongst democrats, at least 40% think Gender and Race are quualifications for Presidency.

If all Democrats voted on facts and human rights, Obama would have won long ago.

e.g. Obama voted against the Iraq war (major human rights violation there) Clinton voted for it. Obama voted for banning cluster bombs in Cities (great in FPS's when all the bomblets explode, not so great in real life when 5 years after a war some middle eastern child can't play videogames because his hands were blown off by an unexploded bomblet.) Clinton voted against banning them. (I guess she likes it when non-white children lose their limbs)

Feminist Clinton supporters must think gender is more important than life or death human rights issues. And that qualifies them as bigots. Them plus a majority of republicans equals a majority of Americans... And that's the sad state of the America today.

What if I'm against abortion, and against negotiating with terrorists and their allies?

What if I'm for keeping our promises to Iraqi civilians that we've been making since Desert Storm, instead of looking out for our own self interest?

What if I'm from or have family in Isreal?

Should I still vote for Obama?


The fact is, Obama won't say all of his far left policies in his speeches, because if he did, nobody would vote for him. He has to keep his true ideas on taxes, gun control, abortion, gay marriage, foriegn policy, and gas prices secret, toned down and secret, because if he didn't, everyone would realize, "Hey, I disagree more with him than I do with George Bush," which as you know is saying a lot.


That's why I wouldn't vote for Obama. I have a huge problem with several of the issues he likes to cover up by avoidance and blankting them with the promise of ending the Iraq war. If the entire country had to read a copy of his policies, he'd lose by the most massive landslide in history, biggotious nation of not.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I'm voting for Obama, and it's not because I think racism is more important than sexism. I don't think either candidate is running on a "I'm not a white male platform." I really have no idea what you're talking about.

@ssj12, if you really cared about "protecting" our troops, I think the best way would be to send them back to America and give them their college money and a burrito. But if it's about leaving them in hell and then fighting over which guns and bombs they get and which candidates want to spend our taxes on them at the expense of the paying civilians who need education and medical care... feel free to have that argument too.

I'm not gonna go to Iraq and then bitch and moan about what guns I have. In fact, I'm not going to Iraq. That's why I'm smarter than the Bush administration.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
FoldedAtHome said:

The problem is that a slight majority of Americans are Bigots.

Even amongst democrats, at least 40% think Gender and Race are quualifications for Presidency.

If all Democrats voted on facts and human rights, Obama would have won long ago.

e.g. Obama voted against the Iraq war (major human rights violation there) Clinton voted for it. Obama voted for banning cluster bombs in Cities (great in FPS's when all the bomblets explode, not so great in real life when 5 years after a war some middle eastern child can't play videogames because his hands were blown off by an unexploded bomblet.) Clinton voted against banning them. (I guess she likes it when non-white children lose their limbs)

Feminist Clinton supporters must think gender is more important than life or death human rights issues. And that qualifies them as bigots. Them plus a majority of republicans equals a majority of Americans... And that's the sad state of the America today.

What if I'm against abortion, and against negotiating with terrorists and their allies?

What if I'm for keeping our promises to Iraqi civilians that we've been making since Desert Storm, instead of looking out for our own self interest?

What if I'm from or have family in Isreal? 

Should I still vote for Obama? 


The fact is, Obama won't say all of his far left policies in his speeches, because if he did, nobody would vote for him. He has to keep his true ideas on taxes, gun control, abortion, gay marriage, foriegn policy, and gas prices secret, toned down and secret, because if he didn't, everyone would realize, "Hey, I disagree more with him than I do with George Bush," which as you know is saying a lot.


That's why I wouldn't vote for Obama. I have a huge problem with several of the issues he likes to cover up by avoidance and blankting them with the promise of ending the Iraq war. If the entire country had to read a copy of his policies, he'd lose the most massive landslide in history, biggotious nation of not.

 Hey that goes for every candidate ever.  They say what we want to hear to get our votes and then they go batshit crazy and the media and Congress are too scared/stupid to call them on it.  Bush did run on a "no nation building" and "smaller government" platform.  And now we have multiple wars and a Patriot Act to fuck up our kids forever.


Duke Of Darkness said:

Not all men are born equal.

Some are born smarter, or more beautiful,


Born beautifull  is society related. Being considered Ugly in let we say U.S.A doesn't make you also Ugly in euhm like Thailand =p;