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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Bioshock: Truly worth the hype

CaptainPrefrences said:
i hate the shoting.

 Obviously you're sarcastic here,right?

Trading your PS3 for a 360 and with the games you have...

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Eh, your opinions. My issues with it:

-It was just a dumbed down System Shock 2. Same enemies, less powers, less RPG stuff, simpler plot, better setting.

-It was ridiculously easy. Even the Big Daddies rarely presented a challenge if you did the preparation. If you did die, you'd come back with (basically) no penalty at a Vita Chamber and could go attack again.

-The "moral choices" thing was total bullshit. Murdering little girls or not is not a "difficult moral decision," and the bears they gave you more than made up for the lower Adam you got for saving them. Black and White moral decisions are more than a decade old. Something new please.

-The plot fell to shreds at the end (honestly one of the worst endings I've ever seen), and the game just felt like a job after confronting Ryan. The objectivism was poorly handled as well.

Overall, a good game, but with a lot of flaws. Maybe an 8.5-8.9 on a 10 point scale.

OT7 said:
CaptainPrefrences said:
i hate the shoting.

 Obviously you're sarcastic here,right?

Trading your PS3 for a 360 and with the games you have...

Haha. I tried asking myself the same question. What I came up with that might make sense is that he meant to say "I hate the shouting"

Double post......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

naznatips said:
Eh, your opinions. My issues with it:

-It was just a dumbed down System Shock 2. Same enemies, less powers, less RPG stuff, simpler plot, better setting.

-It was ridiculously easy. Even the Big Daddies rarely presented a challenge if you did the preparation. If you did die, you'd come back with (basically) no penalty at a Vita Chamber and could go attack again.

-The "moral choices" thing was total bullshit. Murdering little girls or not is not a "difficult moral decision," and the bears they gave you more than made up for the lower Adam you got for saving them. Black and White moral decisions are more than a decade old. Something new please.

-The plot fell to shreds at the end (honestly one of the worst endings I've ever seen), and the game just felt like a job after confronting Ryan. The objectivism was poorly handled as well.

Overall, a good game, but with a lot of flaws. Maybe an 8.5-8.9 on a 10 point scale.

I disagree with most of your points, though it is very much a matter of opinion.

But as for the bolded, there is an achiecement for getting through the game without dying once. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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naznatips said:
Eh, your opinions. My issues with it:

-It was just a dumbed down System Shock 2. Same enemies, less powers, less RPG stuff, simpler plot, better setting.

-It was ridiculously easy. Even the Big Daddies rarely presented a challenge if you did the preparation. If you did die, you'd come back with (basically) no penalty at a Vita Chamber and could go attack again.

-The "moral choices" thing was total bullshit. Murdering little girls or not is not a "difficult moral decision," and the bears they gave you more than made up for the lower Adam you got for saving them. Black and White moral decisions are more than a decade old. Something new please.

-The plot fell to shreds at the end (honestly one of the worst endings I've ever seen), and the game just felt like a job after confronting Ryan. The objectivism was poorly handled as well.

Overall, a good game, but with a lot of flaws. Maybe an 8.5-8.9 on a 10 point scale.
Someone found this esay because they played on normal. Play on hard, There is no chambers. 


naznatips said:

-It was just a dumbed down System Shock 2.

 I have to agree it's no System Shock 2. But then again, what is? :) 

selnor said:

Someone found this esay because they played on normal. Play on hard, There is no chambers.

Well that solves one (and the most minor) of my issues (not that I have any intention of replaying the game)... got something for the other 3 major ones?

I don't know if I'd jump straight to "best out of any game available today ever created ever!" But I do consider it well worth the money I spent on it. I too was one who tried the demo and was sold (as opposed to Lost Planet which I passed up because of the demo). I hope PS3 owners buy this game in hordes so it can get more recognition and the credit it deserves. Also, with a larger audience 2k will have more pressure to crate a quality sequel which would be good for everyone.

Never been a PC gamer, so I haven't played the System Shock games and thus can't compare. I could not agree more with naznatips 3rd and 4th points. As for his 2nd point, as other people said, with VitaChambers turned off the Big Daddies are more difficult and require even more preparation, at least until you get the Electric Gel.

I haven't owned the console long, but BioShock is my favorite 360 game. I don't care for decimal points when it comes to ratings, so I'd give it a 9/10. Loved the atmosphere, the Medical Pavillion and Fort Frolic levels really creeped me out (not a fan of hospitals or paper-maché). I just wish the game were longer, as Rapture seemed a lot bigger and I would've liked to include more of the city into the plot. Don't really care for the post-Ryan portion of the game. Found it funny that Tenenbaum basically controlled Jack for the last 1/3 of the game after breaking Atlas's mind control. So much for free will.

Plot question, what if Jack hadn't survived the plane crash at the beginning? There goes the great plan.