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naznatips said:
Eh, your opinions. My issues with it:

-It was just a dumbed down System Shock 2. Same enemies, less powers, less RPG stuff, simpler plot, better setting.

-It was ridiculously easy. Even the Big Daddies rarely presented a challenge if you did the preparation. If you did die, you'd come back with (basically) no penalty at a Vita Chamber and could go attack again.

-The "moral choices" thing was total bullshit. Murdering little girls or not is not a "difficult moral decision," and the bears they gave you more than made up for the lower Adam you got for saving them. Black and White moral decisions are more than a decade old. Something new please.

-The plot fell to shreds at the end (honestly one of the worst endings I've ever seen), and the game just felt like a job after confronting Ryan. The objectivism was poorly handled as well.

Overall, a good game, but with a lot of flaws. Maybe an 8.5-8.9 on a 10 point scale.

I disagree with most of your points, though it is very much a matter of opinion.

But as for the bolded, there is an achiecement for getting through the game without dying once. 


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