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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 Motion controller & Mii Confirmed! M$ will Win the war eventually!

This gen is comedy gold. Well, this thread is comedy gold too. Especially the MS supporters.

Seems like MS still doesn't understand that vaporware doesn't work when your competitor has its product already out and extremely popular: it's too late!
I still say it will be an epic failure if it is even released. Like Viva Pinata, like Blue Dragon.
Let's see, do we have all the bases covered:
- Casual game => Viva Pinata : Epic Failure
- JRPG to win Japan => Blue Dragon : Epic Failure
- Vaporware to stall competition => Xmote : Epic Failure
- Profit for the XBox brand => 6.5 billions in the hole : Epic Failure
- Mascot for the console => None before the Moes (Mii clones) come : I can preditc the Epic Failure too

MS is on track to accomplish their three last decades success in other market than their cash cow Windows: Epic Failure.
And delusional people (omoneru?) that are still in the first stage of grief. Boy, the fall will be even harder to endure.

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I don't know what to think. If this is true, then I might not buy a Xbox 360 as intended and maybe get a PS3 after all.

Grampy said:
TheBigFatJ said:
This is not going to significantly affect sales.

I think it will. If they actually go through with this ill considered act it will affect sales for everyone in a way they didn't intend.

Microsoft Sales will tank because they will drive off far more "hardcore" gamers than the "casuals" they can attract. They will be seen as losing their vision and trying to appeal to both. Microsoft is one of the most disliked and suspected companies on Earth. Many use their products for pragmatic reason but few love them. They will not be able to keep and attract enough loyalty to see them through the transition.

Sony sales will surge as they will be seen as the last bastion of serious gaming. Since most games are available on both systems, there is little to discourage this defection. Halo won't be enough to keep the "hardcore" onboard.

Wii sales will benefit to a lesser extent as Microsoft's implied endorsement will convince more gamers and game developers that motion controls are the future of gaming. Nintendo, with a complete commitment and 18 month’s head start on the motion control learning curve will be little threatened by a company with ambivalent support for the concept and a late start. MS is not exactly known for bold and rapid innovation.

In TV shows this is called jumping the shark; sacrificing your vision in a desperate ploy to boost interest, but it never works and in the long term it is usually a sign of the beginning of the end.


 I totally agree, I hope the article isn't true...

Wild Nintendo appears.

Go Microsoft.

Microsoft used Mimic.

Mimic Failed.

Nintendo used Confusion.

Microsoft is confused.

Nintendo used Growth.

Microsoft hurt itself in its confusion.

Nintendo used SURF.

Microsoft fainted.

Blue Ocean is the most powerful force this generation.

Disney will make KH3 with Nintendo.Yes,KH3 will be a Disney/Nintendo crossover.

Save the industry,Kill a Hardcore gamer

Stopped buying Ubisoft games.Will not buy Red Steel 2.Let them struggle on HD. Click here for a solution:CLICK
ALERT: I have also exposed a UBI'Z'OFT viral marketer in THIS thread.Read my posts, see the set up and watch how everything crumbles on page 8. Please learn from this experience.

"...we don't see Nintendo as a direct competitor. We actually believe that the Wii complements the Xbox 360 experience. While they're talking to a very casual user, eventually, those users will want a much more immersive experience. We think they'll eventually upgrade to an Xbox 360." - the words of Aaron Greenburg

Now, if all this is true about the X-mote and Mii rip-offs, it's clear that Nintendo is directly influencing Microsoft's business and the Xbox360 is in direct competition with the Wii.

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Like some posters just said, if this is true the idea is that game developers will have the opportunity to practice and perfect the technology until Xbox 3 comes out.

But Nintento-fanboys instantly feel the phear and can't hold themselves from bashing this (welcome to the MS forum btw). Because the Wii is not very unique anymore after this. But FYI this isn't meant to steal your casuals THIS gen.

And the Sony-boys are sarcastic because their POC sixaxis was the fiasco of the century. Hi Lair.

I don't see anyone really bashing it. Many folks just believe it'll be a failure.

This doesn't really qualify as confirmed...

looking at the article, it suggests to me that this is either another rummor (and nothing more) or it will be a prephieral for just a selection of 1 or 2 games.

ookaze said:
This gen is comedy gold. Well, this thread is comedy gold too. Especially the MS supporters.

Seems like MS still doesn't understand that vaporware doesn't work when your competitor has its product already out and extremely popular: it's too late!
I still say it will be an epic failure if it is even released. Like Viva Pinata, like Blue Dragon.
Let's see, do we have all the bases covered:
- Casual game => Viva Pinata : Epic Failure
- JRPG to win Japan => Blue Dragon : Epic Failure
- Vaporware to stall competition => Xmote : Epic Failure
- Profit for the XBox brand => 6.5 billions in the hole : Epic Failure
- Mascot for the console => None before the Moes (Mii clones) come : I can preditc the Epic Failure too

MS is on track to accomplish their three last decades success in other market than their cash cow Windows: Epic Failure.
And delusional people (omoneru?) that are still in the first stage of grief. Boy, the fall will be even harder to endure.

Epic is a very successful company that has high rated and high selling games in its' library and it sells its' engine to dozens of software development companies.

They don't even make Casual games or JRPG games! Nor are they responsible for the Xbox brand. I think thats microsoft.

Dude get your head out of your ass!
