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Grampy said:
TheBigFatJ said:
This is not going to significantly affect sales.

I think it will. If they actually go through with this ill considered act it will affect sales for everyone in a way they didn't intend.

Microsoft Sales will tank because they will drive off far more "hardcore" gamers than the "casuals" they can attract. They will be seen as losing their vision and trying to appeal to both. Microsoft is one of the most disliked and suspected companies on Earth. Many use their products for pragmatic reason but few love them. They will not be able to keep and attract enough loyalty to see them through the transition.

Sony sales will surge as they will be seen as the last bastion of serious gaming. Since most games are available on both systems, there is little to discourage this defection. Halo won't be enough to keep the "hardcore" onboard.

Wii sales will benefit to a lesser extent as Microsoft's implied endorsement will convince more gamers and game developers that motion controls are the future of gaming. Nintendo, with a complete commitment and 18 month’s head start on the motion control learning curve will be little threatened by a company with ambivalent support for the concept and a late start. MS is not exactly known for bold and rapid innovation.

In TV shows this is called jumping the shark; sacrificing your vision in a desperate ploy to boost interest, but it never works and in the long term it is usually a sign of the beginning of the end.


 I totally agree, I hope the article isn't true...