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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 Motion controller & Mii Confirmed! M$ will Win the war eventually!

selnor said:
Godot said:
selnor said:
Anyone saying desperation from M$ I dont think understands casual gamers. Arcade pack is cheaper than wii in Europe. If M$ do a bunch of Sports title like Wii sports, some pure puzzle games and the like they may draw in some casual gamers. I think it shows smartness on M$ part. They could let Rare take on the sort of First/secondy party support from it.

If it makes an extra 20-30 thousand sales a week, it's a good move.

That's so untrue. The Wii doesn't sell because of Wii Sports, it sells for a lot of reason but one is that it is considered cool to own a Wii and not geeky like the other consoles.

 ? I know like 5 famalies that have wii's and the only games they have are usually wii sports, wii fit, Rayman raving rabbids and any other party games. I tell them to get Mario Galaxy and stuff but there answer is "Well the girlfriend dont really play those games, she likes bowling." 


As always... Anyway, all the consoles have the similar problems with being bought for "1 game". If your point was to prove, that M$ doesn't really lose anything, you may be right. But as you pointed out yourself, despite Wii being bought to those families "for one game", the families have still bought other games. Now, M$ lacks the games that use the new controller, which means that before there are any, there's no point getting it, when Wii has hundreds of games that use the Wii Remote. It also isn't very appealing for the developers, since the adressable market for the peripheral is 0 at its launch, while adressable market for Wii Remote currently is around 25 million. Biggest benefit for M$ i can see from this, would be ports from Wii games and of course, XBLA titles that can be made cheap.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

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I can see the headlines..."Microsoft releases Mii Too"

I don't understand why anybody thinks that releasing an optional new controller in their 3rd year on the market will affect anything at all other than bad press.

zero129 said:
The people that's complaining about this..

1: Nintendo fanboys <--They fear it they really do but they wont admit it.
they know if MS Market this right it could mean trouble for them (As imo the wiimote and nintendo's first party games are the only thing the wii has going for it atm)..

2: sony fanboys <--They know that if MS does this right it will give them a big advantage over the PS3.

3: Some MS fanboys <-- They think it's going to mean the "End" of their "Hardcore" games <<--Am i the only one that finds this funny??.

Really im loving the idea of this.

So true!

Viva Pinata & Scene it! are so hardcore! Especially Pinata.

Poor PS3 Sales Means Smaller Losses

"Actually, because the number of units sold was not as high as we hoped, the loss was better than our original expectation," Quotes from Sony’s CFO Nobuyuki Oneda.

I'm not surprised or upset by this but I do see this as a very bad mistake by Microsoft ...

The fact that it is an add-on that is being released well after the Wii has become (super) popular, on a system which is too expensive and has too little content for the kind of "Blue-Ocean" gamer they're trying to attract. What this means is Newton add-on is potentially going to be one of those public disasters which brings the image of a brand way down.

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Microsoft always takes a few tries to get it right. Just see this as a test run for the future.

HappySqurriel said:

I'm not surprised or upset by this but I do see this as a very bad mistake by Microsoft ...

The fact that it is an add-on that is being released well after the Wii has become (super) popular, on a system which is too expensive and has too little content for the kind of "Blue-Ocean" gamer they're trying to attract. What this means is Newton add-on is potentially going to be one of those public disasters which brings the image of a brand way down.

Imho the Newton is not supposed to become widely accepted, let alone "save" the 360, for the very reason that it is just an add-on. It's more like a test object for a possible controlling concept on MS's next-gen platform. So I don't see it as a mistake, but on the contrary as a farsighted, reasonable decision because they can only benefit from the experiences made in the current gen. Also, third-party developers can get used to the new concept so that their next-gen projects will hopefully make reasonable use of the Newton that don't feel as if they were implemented by hook or by crook. And if MS do it right and make it work more precisely than the Wii-mote, it is more than welcome from my point of view. If e.g. Halo Wars supports it, it could make RTS way more popular on consoles than it is now.

wmesoteto said:
i think this calls for a graph to show what will happen to sales

Just when i thought i forgot about Leo-J this happens :)

But you forgot how the newton would be detroyed by teh power of da cell.

Kickin' Those Games Old School.       -       201 Beaten Games And Counting

TalonMan said:
Anybody consider the thought that Microsoft COULD upset Nintendo by showing off something like this for the NEXT generation of consoles? This is going to be the 360's 3rd E3 - not a bad time for MS to start 'hinting' about potential future hardware.

They talk about it this year, next E3 it's playable with a Holiday '09 release. I find THAT far more realistic then MS putting a controller like this on the market for a console that's obviously having momentum issues...

...of course, by the time it came out, Nintendo would have a pretty sizable marketshare, but perhaps people would be considering upgrading from the Wii at that time - and what better way to capture some of those users?

I don't know - this sounds like a better business plan to me, but what do I know, right???

Except Nintendo only has to hint at a Wii2 with 1080p graphics, now much cheaper to install and Microsoft losses all the advantages and still has pissed off the "hardcore"and handed them to Sony. Agreed that Sony toyed with this idea with a dual controller but that doesn't mean without cost. I've always believed that the haste and panic they showed then contributed, after price, to the PS3 difficulties in getting traction.

Scared, yeah right and so is Nintendo, who MS may find surprisingly encoraging. I hope they do go ahead with this numbskull idea because I need the comic relief.

eliasg said:
This site is full of Microsoft haters...

From now on the 360 is the home for both hardcore and casuals...

I feell sorry for you SONY...


The WORLD is full of Mirosoft haters ....
Which is one reason they will find it easier to drive gamers off than to lure them in