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HappySqurriel said:

I'm not surprised or upset by this but I do see this as a very bad mistake by Microsoft ...

The fact that it is an add-on that is being released well after the Wii has become (super) popular, on a system which is too expensive and has too little content for the kind of "Blue-Ocean" gamer they're trying to attract. What this means is Newton add-on is potentially going to be one of those public disasters which brings the image of a brand way down.

Imho the Newton is not supposed to become widely accepted, let alone "save" the 360, for the very reason that it is just an add-on. It's more like a test object for a possible controlling concept on MS's next-gen platform. So I don't see it as a mistake, but on the contrary as a farsighted, reasonable decision because they can only benefit from the experiences made in the current gen. Also, third-party developers can get used to the new concept so that their next-gen projects will hopefully make reasonable use of the Newton that don't feel as if they were implemented by hook or by crook. And if MS do it right and make it work more precisely than the Wii-mote, it is more than welcome from my point of view. If e.g. Halo Wars supports it, it could make RTS way more popular on consoles than it is now.