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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 Motion controller & Mii Confirmed! M$ will Win the war eventually!

omoneru said:
I love how people generally underestimate Microsoft whenever MS attempts to compete with already established software, business, or technologies.

People always say MS will never make it. But a few years later they usually find themselves using MS products left and right and they go like "meh". It's almost funny.

To be fair, MS doesn't always succeed, but when they do they usually get it right on their third try, I think. So yes, their next console is going to be very interesting.

The people that say M$ will never make it will never use M$ products unless, of course, if they pirate them. 


Microsoft is desperate as it sees its early lead getting reduce everyday and they know they will get to the 3rd eventually. There's pretty much nothing they can do about it, even a XMote or Mii rip-off. 

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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This site is full of Microsoft haters...

From now on the 360 is the home for both hardcore and casuals...

I feell sorry for you SONY...

selnor said:
Anyone saying desperation from M$ I dont think understands casual gamers. Arcade pack is cheaper than wii in Europe. If M$ do a bunch of Sports title like Wii sports, some pure puzzle games and the like they may draw in some casual gamers. I think it shows smartness on M$ part. They could let Rare take on the sort of First/secondy party support from it.

If it makes an extra 20-30 thousand sales a week, it's a good move.

 That's so untrue. The Wii doesn't sell because of Wii Sports, it sells for a lot of reason but one is that it is considered cool to own a Wii and not geeky like the other consoles.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


ZenfoldorVGI said:
aspirin said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
It will be such a hilarious shitstorm of bad press for MicroSoft and good press for Nintendo, and the HD crowd won't know what to do and they'll self-destruct!

Why ? I think they will be happy. Motion sensing + HD is still HD.

Are you really asking why fans/press will give microsoft a hard time over this, or are you just shilling?


...cause it's gonna be bad if this is true. MS is going for that Nintendo approach to PR, which is "We don't care what the internet thinks, lolz." Cause the internet is gonna hate this one.

 Ad I would say that about 5-8% of Wii owners even use the internet for looking at anything to do with games other than ordering. The casual market dont care like half the people on this site and others. Thats who they are aiming at, and the net wont make a blind bit of difference to the sales. 


I dont like wiimote or 360 but I think that this is a wise decision by Microsoft. They are losing sales to Wii and they need some of that Casual market it might be good specially with the low price of arcade. They need to make it that many games works on it. Haters stop whining.

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I don't know what exactly you're trying to imply with the issue of piracy.  Piracy didn't stop MS from establishing thier today's position in the PC market. But I suppose this is rather off topic.

>> There's pretty much nothing they can do about it, even a XMote or Mii rip-off.

Because you haven't provided a reason to back it up, your argument isn't all that convincing to me.  That may be what you hope, but your wish has nothing to do with its outcome.

No, it's not going to stop  'Til you wise up
No, it's not going to stop  So just ... give up
- Aimee Mann

eliasg said:
This site is full of Microsoft haters...

From now on the 360 is the home for both hardcore and casuals...

I feell sorry for you SONY...

....uh I'd be more self pity and less worrying about a corporation if i were you.

and it isnt from now on... it doesnt have this awful peripheral yet. and when it does receive the only way it will succeed if they force people to get it... unlike that hd-dvd thing they did. look how well that turned out.

Godot said:
selnor said:
Anyone saying desperation from M$ I dont think understands casual gamers. Arcade pack is cheaper than wii in Europe. If M$ do a bunch of Sports title like Wii sports, some pure puzzle games and the like they may draw in some casual gamers. I think it shows smartness on M$ part. They could let Rare take on the sort of First/secondy party support from it.

If it makes an extra 20-30 thousand sales a week, it's a good move.

That's so untrue. The Wii doesn't sell because of Wii Sports, it sells for a lot of reason but one is that it is considered cool to own a Wii and not geeky like the other consoles.

 ? I know like 5 famalies that have wii's and the only games they have are usually wii sports, wii fit, Rayman raving rabbids and any other party games. I tell them to get Mario Galaxy and stuff but there answer is "Well the girlfriend dont really play those games, she likes bowling." 


Wow, I see this hit a nerve with a lot of people here. Why get so angry over this? There were so many predictions that all the consoles would have to have motion sensing implemented by the start of next gen, so why the shock?

At least the guy who made the thread about all the Sony hate can rest easy tonight. MS just gave everyone another reason to make them Public Enemy #1!

Love the product, not the company. They love your money, not you.



Why so much hate about a gaming corporation?? Can you answer me this question?? Microsoft is not using the money of anyone here...