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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - What are the odds that we'll hear what Bungie is up to at E3?

Bungie's E3 announcement of Halo Zero is in the works or maybe Halo 4 or a new Bungie IP.

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Halo Tournament

Multiplayer Based Halo :D

Kind of like how Unreal changed into Unreal Tournament :)

I don't think we'll see anything from them at this year's E3. A little too early.

Numbers are like people. Torture them enough and you can get them to say anything you want.

VGChartz Resident Thread Killer

well they are suppose to be co developing halo chronicle with peter jackson wingnut studio...... and i remember to have read somewhere that they were keeping there engagement on that matter even after they left MGS....

and about people talking about halo 3 I honestly think we won't see another halo FPS in long while....doing XIII version of a game is a Sony trend lol :) MGS proved they can come up with new IPs and I don't know if you noticed but most of them are just planed to be trilogies....