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Forums - Sony Discussion - GameTrailers MGS Retrospective

rocketpig said:
DMeisterJ said:
I was just watching them...

I'm so excited for MGS4 now... All I need is a PS3... And I'm so buying the MGS pack with MGS1, 2, and 3...

I would love to go back and play MGS and MGS3 but I find the controls incredibly frustrating now. After so many other TPS games with vastly superior controls, I just can't go back to that mess of holding down buttons (especially in MGS3, it's one of the worst controlling games I ever played).

I didn't mind MGS1, and MGS2 controls... I'll revisit MGS3 controls since it's subsistence, with the third person camera...  See how things go.

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I watched them already. Waiting for them to get to mgs1 was almost torture. Can't wait to see two and three (pt.3&4).

rocketpig said:
DMeisterJ said:
I was just watching them...

I'm so excited for MGS4 now... All I need is a PS3... And I'm so buying the MGS pack with MGS1, 2, and 3...

I would love to go back and play MGS and MGS3 but I find the controls incredibly frustrating now. After so many other TPS games with vastly superior controls, I just can't go back to that mess of holding down buttons (especially in MGS3, it's one of the worst controlling games I ever played).


There is still a little holding down of buttons. You have to hold down the left trigger to tell the system you want to fire your weapon, and then hold down the right trigger to actually fire.

Very much like GTAIV.

Also, if you want to go into FP mode, you have to hit triangle. You have to hit it every time you hit the left trigger, so it's kind of annoying. The game will auto aim for you, so you don't need to go into FP mode, but if you want to, it can get old.

These were the controls for MGO anyway; they might update them a bit after feedback from that beta.

Interesting. Thanks, Mafoo. I don't mind holding two buttons but in MGS3, entering FPS mode was disorienting and pretty terrible overall. The game received several WTFs hollered at it during the first few hours of gameplay.

I'm hoping that with this new control setup, I'll be able to avoid FP view as much as possible. There's really no reason for it in an over-the-shoulder game other than sniping or looking through binoculars (which should be activated by the target button anyway).

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LordTheNightKnight said:
BTW, I remember some people insisting Twin Snakes was against Kojima's vision, but according to the second video, Kojima wanted the cut scenes to be different from MGS. He wanted a different take on the story.

Yea, it would seem that my anger was misplaced. The fact that Kojima himself wanted a different take on the cut-scenes doesn't make me like them any more than I did before. I still think that the different take seen in Twin Snakes isn't as good as the original, I just can not stand those cut-scenes.

I do find a little bit of irony that the so overused bullet time effect in the cutscenes was done by the actual creater of the bullet time effect.

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rocketpig said:
Interesting. Thanks, Mafoo. I don't mind holding two buttons but in MGS3, entering FPS mode was disorienting and pretty terrible overall. The game received several WTFs hollered at it during the first few hours of gameplay.

I'm hoping that with this new control setup, I'll be able to avoid FP view as much as possible. There's really no reason for it in an over-the-shoulder game other than sniping or looking through binoculars (which should be activated by the target button anyway).

 At least in MGO's sake, first person shooting would be for your farther away targets, though I can't say I liked aiming in first person. Compared to something like Call of Duty 4, the weapons don't zoom into the sights so it makes trying to see down the iron/red dot sight more difficult and frustrating especially if you're target is moving.  

When does the next version of this video come out?

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rocketpig said:
When does the next version of this video come out?

 They make weekly release, so I'm hoping for the next one soon.

As someone who has never played a MG game before, I feel that I very much rely on theseretrospectives to not be confused with MGS4. I hope I will be able to keep up in MGS4 xD

Rainbird said:
rocketpig said:
When does the next version of this video come out?

They make weekly release, so I'm hoping for the next one soon.

As someone who has never played a MG game before, I feel that I very much rely on theseretrospectives to not be confused with MGS4. I hope I will be able to keep up in MGS4 xD

I think that was the point of the retospectives as well as to give us the history of the entire series


Rainbird said:
rocketpig said:
When does the next version of this video come out?

They make weekly release, so I'm hoping for the next one soon.

As someone who has never played a MG game before, I feel that I very much rely on theseretrospectives to not be confused with MGS4. I hope I will be able to keep up in MGS4 xD

You should try and find the 20th Anniversary Saga video that does a decent job of summing up the story.