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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CRYSIS Who?? -- NEW Killzone 2 Screens!! WOW!

Viper1 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

no I disagree their....physics of KZ2 hae already been shown in earth shattering explosions....and in grfx KZ2 is definetely better....especially the texture in the game (especially on the ship flying things) are tantalizingly brilliant!


Go check some Crysis physics video before you go any further.

You do realize that those videos aren't rendered in real time right?  The very first video released that showed off the physics in Crysis was rendered at 8 seconds per frame.  Yea, not 8 fps, but 8 spf.  I agree that the physics in Crysis is better than Killzone 2, but using those sort of videos don't really prove your point.

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please.....the textures & grfx of the gun on KZ2 are one of the most talked about things....the animation of his reloading are brilliant

I was really down for KZ2 but that video changed my mind completely as for Impressive lighting

I hope you have seen the KZ2 gameplay vid when they go inside the base & the sunlight filtering through the shutters & broken top is just frikkin brilliant....on par with crysis for sure.


well I have been honest and said what I feel..

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Be honest and say you have never seen Crysis on high settings there is just now way this comes close, I'm not even talking about Crysis on very high.

darthdevidem01 said:

please.....the textures & grfx of the gun on KZ2 are one of the most talked about things....the animation of his reloading are brilliant

I was really down for KZ2 but that video changed my mind completely as for Impressive lighting

I hope you have seen the KZ2 gameplay vid when they go inside the base & the sunlight filtering through the shutters & broken top is just frikkin brilliant....on par with crysis for sure.


well I have been honest and said what I feel..
Look at the effects the trees in the first pic I posted have on the lighting. Look at the shadows. Post me a KZ2 pic not prerendered with a better gun model, and character model than the one in the pic I just showed or my previous videos. 


sc94597 said:
SleepWaking said:
dude watch these videos

and the screens sc94597 is posting aren't even on the highest settings with AA on.

I didn't post those because those are rendered. It says so in the information.

ofcours there rendered every game is, this engine is just so sick no computer can't handle it, they just used a tick so they can do it without there computer crashing. know the difference between rendering and pre-rendering.


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so that means you havn't seen the HQ KZ2 Playstation Day 08 videos...

If you have you would have seen and would have been impressed by the gun thing

@Sleep Walking

well apparently nothing can run it on that setting.....but apart from that issue show me a video with that far I havn't seen one..

its not my fault....its Crytek's fault

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

so that means you havn't seen the HQ KZ2 Playstation Day 08 videos...

If you have you would have seen and would have been impressed by the gun thing

@Sleep Walking

well apparently nothing can run it on that setting.....but apart from that issue show me a video with that far I havn't seen one..

its not my fault....its Crytek's fault

Show me a pic. Here is another pic or vid I will show, but the last one I will show until you start showing the supposedly superior textures and lighting.



yo i can't wait for this amazing FPS title. It will be top FPS of 2009 without a doubt.

lol read only the first page - the game is amazing - it was cool how the bullets affect the water - everything seems to be scripted and scripted well, now this looks like a one hundred million dollar project...

I'm honestly not joking.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D

Best looking game on a console I've ever seen. By release it might look better than Crysis.