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A friend of mine who is openly gay was being harangued by a fellow student who kept going on about, "How do you know you don't like the ladeez if you never tried it, yo?" To which he responded, "How do you know you wouldn't like sex with men if you've never done it?" And suddenly the guy understood.

It's not a choice, it's not a rebellion, it's not an inability to attract the opposite sex, and it's not a political or a fashion statement. It's just a deep-seated, inborn preference about who you're attracted to in a physical, sexual way. People are wired one way or the other, and they always have been.

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sorry, but we have an absolutely different approve to life and to christianity. I think your sexual preference is an urge that you can't control. maybe you try, but you won't really be happy by not living it out. do you know the film brokeback mountain? i think it shows what happens when you're not living it out.

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

well said ddobson

Currently Playing: Skies of Arcadia Legends (GC), Dragon Quest IV (DS)

Last Game beaten: The Rub Rabbits(DS)

rickthestick2 said:
nintendo_fanboy said:

hey rick, you're just wrong about that... did you choose not to like male? i guess not, because this is not a question of will! i can't understand those people that say if you only want to you are not gay...

oh, and ben, that's it also, they can do a lot more things if they are together

 Yeah that's the main problem here. But until you can scientifically, philosophically, and religiously prove to me that people don't have a choice and that they are forced from birth to either be gay or straight and then i'll agree with you. And yes i did choose not to like males, but i don't think you understand. Each day i choose not to like males. I have always chosen not to like males, and i will for eternity choose to not like males. It's not one day, but every second of your life. Hope you understand what i mean. Think a little (not to be taken as an offense, mind you).

Studies show, that in some Homosexuals, estrogen levels tend to be higher as well as higher seratonin levels, So this imbalance would prove to be a orn with trait. This said, on to Religion, Before you can make a religious statement, you need to be astute in theology. Our creator created us, our creator gives us the opportunity to be a spiritual person, for religion and living sake we get what is called free will. Can you be born gay ?? Absolutely!

I am very straight but doesnt mean I have gay or lesbian friends. Choice is something different than emotion,

Rick, Take love for example, If you have ever been in love, was it your choice??or your feelings?? Think about it.

Rickthestick2, genuine question. From your christian point of view what exactly is wrong with being gay? It's something you always hear from certain christian groups, "being gay is wrong" but they never actually go into detail about what is so wrong about it. They just say "unnatural" or "it says so in the bible", not actually giving reasons.

I'm just honestly curious about their reason for thinking that.

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One man sexual exploration is another religious hell. Nothing new here. Religion +Tollerance =  Does not  compute.  It is not the religious beliefs that make us acceptive, rather than our own personal experience in life.

Sex is an uneasy subject still for the majority of masses, so not talking about all aspects of sexuality, categorizes choices into "proper" and "sick". Being a puritan about it supresses the issue and leads into phobia. A Man/Woman sure for himself is a scary matter, so society labels them, avoiding a change in it's ethic structure. Those though with a "proper" facade, tend to be the real pervs. So haha, irony.

"You won't find Adobe here in Nairobi"


Shambolic said:
Rickthestick2, genuine question. From your christian point of view what exactly is wrong with being gay? It's something you always hear from certain christian groups, "being gay is wrong" but they never actually go into detail about what is so wrong about it. They just say "unnatural" or "it says so in the bible", not actually giving reasons.

I'm just honestly curious about their reason for thinking that.
Good point!

If people want to read the Holy bible, thats great, really. If you want to worship a particular god/religion.

First religion documents, Summerian text, this spawned all religions including later christianity, Snadskrit and the later day religions.

You must keep in mind that If you ar ea christian, then do not preach to anyone unless you read the original text in HEBREW.



Religion + Gay = Boring discussion.

Shambolic said:
Rickthestick2, genuine question. From your christian point of view what exactly is wrong with being gay? It's something you always hear from certain christian groups, "being gay is wrong" but they never actually go into detail about what is so wrong about it. They just say "unnatural" or "it says so in the bible", not actually giving reasons.

I'm just honestly curious about their reason for thinking that.

 According to Christianity, the reason why it is wrong to be gay, is because it is a kind of peversion. Just like having more than one wife or like Jesus Christ says that if you even look lustfully at another women (Matthew 27:30). Somebody said earlier that your sexual preference is an urge you can't control, and i don't agree with that one bit. That just means your a weak perv who can't control themselves sexually, therefore saying most people are weak in that way. I forget where, but in the Bible Paul says on how its better not to get married due to marrital problems, but if your having urges you can't control go on and get married (he made it clear that this is his advice and not a God-given law). 

 But back to what you were saying. Here it goes:

"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and thier foolish hearts were darkened. Although they clainmed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and idols and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the thruth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator - who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even thier women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for thier peversion."

 - Romans 1:21-27 NIV

People are, within birth, given the right to choose whatever they would want. It is in this right of free will that they are responsible for thier own actions. But within the knowledge of God, they feel it threatens thier free will. Therefore they make thier own Gods. Gods who are weak that the people can control, so that there is no consequence in sin other than the natural/humanitarian/governmental laws.  And with that, they seek to change the world into what they deem is right, and oppose all before them.

 And with that, tell me what is this love some of you talk so much about, that you use to justify homosexuality? This i don't understand. i also don't understand why some of you think that going to church and growing up in a christian family makes you a christian. And finally I don't understand what you see is right in gay, than there has to be a Gay Right. I don't see how you don't see my reasons of why it is wrong, naturally and religiously. Don't compare me to your average Christian. I'm no fool. Tell me the true reason of why Gay is just an OK thing, and not something we should try to get rid of?

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rickthestick2 said:
Shambolic said:
Rickthestick2, genuine question. From your christian point of view what exactly is wrong with being gay? It's something you always hear from certain christian groups, "being gay is wrong" but they never actually go into detail about what is so wrong about it. They just say "unnatural" or "it says so in the bible", not actually giving reasons.

I'm just honestly curious about their reason for thinking that.

 According to Christianity, the reason why it is wrong to be gay, is because it is a kind of peversion. Just like having more than one wife or like Jesus Christ says that if you even look lustfully at another women (Matthew 27:30). Somebody said earlier that your sexual preference is an urge you can't control, and i don't agree with that one bit. That just means your a weak perv who can't control themselves sexually, therefore saying most people are weak in that way. I forget where, but in the Bible Paul says on how its better not to get married due to marrital problems, but if your having urges you can't control go on and get married (he made it clear that this is his advice and not a God-given law). 

 But back to what you were saying. Here it goes:

"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and thier foolish hearts were darkened. Although they clainmed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and idols and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the thruth of God for a lie, and worshipped and served created things rather than the Creator - who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even thier women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for thier peversion."

 - Romans 1:21-27 NIV

People are, within birth, given the right to choose whatever they would want. It is in this right of free will that they are responsible for thier own actions. But within the knowledge of God, they feel it threatens thier free will. Therefore they make thier own Gods. Gods who are weak that the people can control, so that there is no consequence in sin other than the natural/humanitarian/governmental laws.  And with that, they seek to change the world into what they deem is right, and oppose all before them.

 And with that, tell me what is this love some of you talk so much about, that you use to justify homosexuality? This i don't understand. i also don't understand why some of you think that going to church and growing up in a christian family makes you a christian. And finally I don't understand what you see is right in gay, than there has to be a Gay Right. I don't see how you don't see my reasons of why it is wrong, naturally and religiously. Don't compare me to your average Christian. I'm no fool. Tell me the true reason of why Gay is just an OK thing, and not something we should try to get rid of?

Because your so called GOD, created us, If that is the GOD you follow then waht does Elohim mean in Hebrew? I was raised catholic, then studied theology, worked on top projects for the govt. (thank god, no pun intended)and I had my eyes open up. If you are that hardcore in to your religion, most people that are, have done something bad, feel guilty, so they use it as a crutch. Your GOD has created everyone, even bigots. So If your God created a homosexual, are you calling your god wrong??Think about it, and God Bless!