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Forums - General Discussion - Kwaad's Wii harshness.

Yulegoat said: I said OBJECTIVELY SPEAKING. That doesn't leave room for comments like "yuck", "never liked..", "I hate.." or "I don't have high hopes" (Mario has gotten only rave previews that I'm aware of). And there is info for a lot of games you said there wasn't. No More Heroes: Dewy's adventure: Fire Emblem: The Goddess of Dawn: Forever Blue Some of the games I mentioned like RE:UC or new Zelda are based on the high quality of the franchise, but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, just rational reasoning. How many great future exclusive games can you list for PS3? And you said Wii needs new type of games, then what the hell are games like Wii Sports, Raving Rabbids or Elebits? EDIT: I don't even understand the meaning of this topic. First I thought this was your cry out for people wondering why people like the Wii or why it's as successive as it is, but now it seems that you only wanted to tell your personal opinion, which actually isn't worth a shit. If the latter case is true, then this is my last post on this topic.
No More Heros: there's a movie, and the obvious story plot. I could easily hype the worst game ever with that little info. Dewys Adventure: Looks like it could be fun. Depends on implementaion. Fire Emblem: The Goddess of Dawn : Classic controller = Wiimote PWNED. (no complaints) Forever Blue: A game with a vague concept, and 1 screenshot... will not make me want to buy it. Great future exclusive games? DMC4 FFXIV Mercenaries2 I dont feel like typing PS3 games that are expected to come in 2008,9. :) FYI! I was at walmart. They got 2 Wii's in while I was in there. I spent 2 HOURS. watching the Wiis. *laa dee daa* I saw 2 PSP, 1 PS2, and about 4 PS2 games sold. No Wii's sold. No Wii intrest. No-one cared. saw 4 people ask about PS3. :) PWNED

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

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Kwaad said: fishamaphone said: Kwaad: Please change your username to "obvious tool." I mean, you confuse some of the n00bs... they might think you aren't an obvious tool, if you insist on a username like that. A voice of truth like you should have more transparency. :) EDIT: btw, if you think it's a bogus name, check me out with PSNID: Kwaad
Most n00bs don't speak Dutch. Please change your name to "obvious tool." This is an English-language forum, and I don't think we should have to tolerate your Flemmish asshattery.

fishamaphone said: Most n00bs don't speak Dutch. Please change your name to "obvious tool." This is an English-language forum, and I don't think we should have to tolerate your Flemmish asshattery.
At least I have yet to require a personal attack to defend my point. n00b. :) (that is not a personal attack, as you are referring to yourself, as a n00b.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

What personal attack? The Dutch suck. That's a well-known fact. And even moreso... what point am I defending? I think *someone* is stuck in his "me vs. them" mentality. Interpreting everyone as an enemy, and arguing blindly, regardless of the merit of the other person's words. Someone would rather listen to themselves speak than listen to others, and give them a fair shake. Someone needs to be a better listener, and base their posts on what others actually say, as opposed to what someone would like them to have said. And I think that someone, Kwaad, that someone might be you.

Why do you guys even bother arguing with Kwaad? He has good reasons, and all of you are just being annoying fanboys by defending your system no matter how horrid it is. All he needs is someone who can support his reasons. First of all Kwaad, your opinions about the games are very true. Most Wii games are horrid, and there's far too many of them. But the difference between them and the PS3 games is that the Wii ones sell much more. Secondly, the controller problem is not Nintendo's fault. It's the third-party developer's fault. Tke a look at all the games you rated with bad controls. All of them are third party. Twilight Princess' controls were good because Nintendo made it, and Nintendo knows it's hardware best. Sooner or later, third party developers will learn how to make better use of the Wiimote. And yes, PS3 is a good system. It sucks in terms of sales, but the hardware is the best.

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Cursayer said: Why do you guys even bother arguing with Kwaad? He has good reasons, and all of you are just being annoying fanboys by defending your system no matter how horrid it is. All he needs is someone who can support his reasons. yes First of all Kwaad, your opinions about the games are very true. Most Wii games are horrid, and there's far too many of them. But the difference between them and the PS3 games is that the Wii ones sell much more. yes Secondly, the controller problem is not Nintendo's fault. It's the third-party developer's fault. Take a look at all the games you rated with bad controls. All of them are third party. Twilight Princess' controls were good because Nintendo made it, and Nintendo knows it's hardware best. Sooner or later, third party developers will learn how to make better use of the Wiimote. YES, however later, is probibally going to be TOO late. And yes, PS3 is a good system. It sucks in terms of sales, but the hardware is the best. yes
EDIT: Dont forget warioware. Hard to say it has bad controls, but finicky.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

Heh, this is funny. A swing, and a miss. Seriously, I felt the wind from that whiff all the way through cyber-space.

Dude, we get you don't like the Wii. The fact that you need to state this over, and over and OVER AND OVER is getting very old and tired. Just enjoy your PS3 and I'll enjoy my Wii, and then the PS3 when I get one (when there are finally some games that might actually interest me and the price comes down at least $200). Anyways, I prefer the Wii controls and don't find them at all "wonky". Going back to a standard controller sucks IMO. So please stop trying to convince everyone that you are right and move on with your life. You'll feel much better, and so will the rest of us.

How about we ask what your current game library is, so that we can get a better idea of your tastes? I have my game collection listed on my blog site at I want Wii play for both the extra controller (#4 for me) and 3 of the games (pool, the tank game remake of the atari classic I loved, and 1 I don't remember) look like fun to me, and for only $10 more than a wiimote I might as well. :) It was only 5 months ago or so I played an SSX game for the first time, it was quite fun for the racing, but I could never get the tricks to work, it looks a lot easier on the Wii, thus I decided I'd rent SSX Blur and decide whether or not it's worth it. Sonic and the Secret Rings - I never liked the previous sonic games because I could never see far enough ahead to react, and the levels look interesting, so what's $4-5 to see if I might like it? Prince of Persia: Rival Swords - I've never played a PoP game after the first, so why not give it a shot? I like the way the wiimote controls work in some of the port games. :) Super Paper Mario - If you don't like it, that's fine, it's a platformer with minor RPG elements, and the previous Paper Mario games are fantastic, IMHO. Fire Emblem Wii - I own the USA releases (2 GBA and the Gamecube one), I love Strategy RPG's, so this one's a default must-buy for me. I hate GTA games, so scarface isn't even something I'm interested in, but from what I've heard about No More Heroes, it works a bit differently, and looks very interesting, so I'm keeping a close eye on it. Metroid Prime 3 - Gotta get it ASAP. The first Metroid Prime was the best single-player FPS I've ever played (I don't play much any multiplayer FPS games outside of UT/2004). MP2 was good too, but a bit too frustrating. Dragon Quest Swords is gaining attention for a few reasons : it's got some big names working on it, looks like a full story to the game, same console multiplayer, and it's starting to look great. Dewey's Adventure - I'm very ficle about platformers, I rarely enjoy them outside of Mario, and this looks like it might be one of them. :) Btw, I hate horror games, and feel distasteful about dark bloodbath games (God of War), I've never honestly tried Devil May Cry (never looked too interesting to me), and Metal Gear was uninteresting to me. Assassin's creed doesn't look to be my cup of tea, Mass Effect looks quite good, but Bioshock is way too freaky for me. -_- Konami's supposed to announce a few more games monday (a few of which are for wii), I'm hoping the RPG is Suikoden VI and maybe even a Zone of the Enders III for Wii as well (Kojima wants to make a Wii game quite badly). ^_^

Nobody is crazy enough to accuse me of being sane.

whatever said: Dude, we get you don't like the Wii. The fact that you need to state this over, and over and OVER AND OVER is getting very old and tired. Just enjoy your PS3 and I'll enjoy my Wii, and then the PS3 when I get one (when there are finally some games that might actually interest me and the price comes down at least $200). Anyways, I prefer the Wii controls and don't find them at all "wonky". Going back to a standard controller sucks IMO. So please stop trying to convince everyone that you are right and move on with your life. You'll feel much better, and so will the rest of us.
*yawn* First off. You'll get a PS3 before then. Second. What Wii games have you played? Third. I've moved all my Wii trolling to this thread... well most of it. :) well... :)

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!