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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Official Updates

Options was stupid, but I really like the Ice Climber song.

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I hope they don't charge me the instructions booklet when I buy the game.

Dec. 12 Wed. 2007


This is the main menu!

Here you can find these six areas.

* Group
* Solo
* Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
* Vault
* Options
* Data

Today, I’m going to introduce Options.

All options are colored purple.

Choose between graphics that are razor sharp
or nice and smooth.

This is... Well, it’s sort of hard to explain using only static shots, but try toggling it on and off on your own TV. Play with the setting that fits your taste.

Set rumble separately
for Gamecube Controllers and Wii Remotes.

Toggle the proverbial buzz-buzz on your controllers on and off.

Just remember, the Classic Controller doesn’t have rumble, so don’t get too carried away.

You can also set rumble preferences for each logged name.

The slider goes left and right.

You can use this to adjust the balance between the game’s music and sound effects.

Oh, a sound test is also available from the first time you power the game on!

Flip through by title or category.

There’s quite a few songs available, so I’ve decided to also divide things up by category this time.

You mean I can listen to sound effects from my favorite character all I want?

This is by far the most dangerous of the option modes.

Yeaaah... Don’t fiddle around with these options.

I mean it now. Don’t mess around on this screen.

Seriously now. I’m not playing here.

And that’s not all.



My Music

For more about these three, you can go over and check out their individual pages.

Each of these modes is designed to let you tweak the game to match your own preferences, but obviously you don’t have to mess around with these options if you don’t feel like it.

Relax and enjoy.

Favorite Companies: Nintendo, Blizzard, Valve.
Recent New Favorites: Grasshopper, Atlus. (R.I.P. Clover.)
Heroes/Homies: Shigeru Miyamoto, Gunpei Yokoi, Will Wright, Eric Chahi, Suda51, Brian Eno, David Bowie.
Haiku Group: Haiku Hell.
Nemeses: Snesboy, fkusumot. 
GameDaily Article that Interviewed Me: Console Defense Forces.

Insanely customisable.

The game is perfect. I love every song. When this game comes out, I think I'm just going to cry and explode out of pure joy. I'll write my suicide note in this forum, and then spontaneously combust into a ball of happiness that flies into the sun and destroys the universe.

Sorry. Blame Sakurai.

Favorite Companies: Nintendo, Blizzard, Valve.
Recent New Favorites: Grasshopper, Atlus. (R.I.P. Clover.)
Heroes/Homies: Shigeru Miyamoto, Gunpei Yokoi, Will Wright, Eric Chahi, Suda51, Brian Eno, David Bowie.
Haiku Group: Haiku Hell.
Nemeses: Snesboy, fkusumot. 
GameDaily Article that Interviewed Me: Console Defense Forces.

Around the Network

Rubang.....that avatar is least put some fur on like mine~

To Each Man, Responsibility

So, in an attempt to make sense of all these updates. I have compiled an outline of the navigation through the menus. Not too in depth. But a very rough outline. This was mainly for me, but I figured I'd share it. No new info, just... organized info. (Thanks wikipedia)


Main Menu 

 From the main menu, you have 6 options, which have been clearly portrayed above.


 Group Brawl

Main Menu > Group Screen 

Brawl has not been discussed, but is most likely a standard multiplayer 1-4 person matchup.  Pressing Brawl will probably take you to the Character Selection screen, as it did in Melee.

Rules has not been discussed, but it probably contains options to customize your Group Brawl.

Special Melee from the previous game returns as Special Brawl. In this mode, players will be able to battle in matches using special rules for a greater level of customization. Whereas previously standard options such as "Giant Melee" or "Invisible Melee" were available, players may now select as many options as they like for a single match. 

Rotation, previously only available in Tournament mode, allows up to 16 players to play at once by selecting whether the winner or loser switches out after each round. 

Tourney mode is another returning game type, formerly Tournament mode, enables players to create an elimination-based tournament with a large number of CPU or human opponents. 



Main Menu > Group Screen > Names 

Names allows you to enter individual names for each player.  You can even set controller configurations here.  Once on the character selection screen, simply choose your name to automatically select your preferred control type.


Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection 

Main Menu > Nintendo WiFi 

 This is the Wifi Screen.  You have 3 options to choose from.  


 Main Menu > Nintendo WiFi > With Anyone

With Anyone has 3 choices.  This is basically where you go to battle online with non-friends.  Taunts, character bubbles, or names will not be displayed in this mode.  It is noted that if a player disconnects, that character will then be taken over by a CPU.

Spectator allows you to watch other players Brawl.  You are able to bet coins on the outcome of the Brawl.

Basic Brawl will most likely be an every man for himself Brawl. 

Team Battle will most likely be where you join a stranger to battle another team of strangers. 



  Main Menu > Nintendo WiFi > Options

These options obviously allow you to change the settings of Wifi Mode.




Main Menu > Options Screen 

 You obviously have 7 choices in the Options mode, which are depicted above.


Main Menu > Options Screen > Screen

Screen lets to change from Standard to Widescreen and vice versa.


Main Menu > Options Screen > Deflicker 

Deflicker allows you to Choose between graphics that are razor sharp 

or nice and smooth. 


Main Menu > Options Screen > Screen > Rumble 

Rumble allows you to Set rumble separately for Gamecube Controllers and Wii Remotes. 



 Main Menu > Options Screen > Screen > Controls

Controls allows you to customize your controls and save them to the Wii or a Wiimote. 



Main Menu > Options Screen > Screen > Sound  

Sound allows you to adjust the balance between the game’s music and sound effects. 


Main Menu > Options Screen > Screen > My Music 

My Music allows you to listen to adjust various settings related to the music in the game.  A new item is the CD.  It is rumored that a CD unlocks new music which can be played while Brawling. 


Main Menu > Options Screen > Screen > Erase Data

Erase Data is obviously a section that allows you to erase various game data.  


<Under Construction>

Is this too big?  I can put it somewhere else (a new thread?) 




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First of all id like t suggest that the "vault" contains all of your music, trophies, stickers etc
And secondly id like to state how pissed of i am because this update pretty much confirms no stock battles online!!!!


Rubang B said:

Choose between graphics that are razor sharp
or nice and smooth.

This is... Well, it’s sort of hard to explain using only static shots, but try toggling it on and off on your own TV. Play with the setting that fits your taste.

I'm intrigued by this feature. He's basically giving us the option to blur/smudge/bloom our game from the options menu? Has any game done this before?

I'm terrible with technical stuff, so please explain like you would to your little sister (the one that isn't a computer science student). =P 

Parokki said:
Rubang B said:

Choose between graphics that are razor sharp
or nice and smooth.

This is... Well, it’s sort of hard to explain using only static shots, but try toggling it on and off on your own TV. Play with the setting that fits your taste.

I'm intrigued by this feature. He's basically giving us the option to blur/smudge/bloom our game from the options menu? Has any game done this before?

I'm terrible with technical stuff, so please explain like you would to your little sister (the one that isn't a computer science student). =P

 Super Smash Brothers Melee.