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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Official Updates


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I can't describe the feeling that all of these amazing announcements make me feel towards this game any more...

Before it was shock and awe and how cool something were, but now it's just like 'meh' there is no way this game can ever be possibly topped forever.

It's quite surreal, I honestly think this is the ultimate Nintendo game of all time (not the best game of all time) but just ultimate fan service in every single way... how many characters will be playable? Who knows... this game is... wow.

So far, it seems like Blue shockwave, or something, has been on track with predicting updates.

I remember him saying that the blurred picture would be 'Submit', which maybe some people would have guessed, though most thought of editing.

Also, I believe he predicted Dedede would be in, which most believed would be a longshot.


OT: Pretty good update.

I'm not a fan of creating my own stage, which is why I'm only a tiny bit excited about LBP, but I wouldn't mind playing the daily stage.


Looks like, from his comments, this is at least one reason for the delay.

The delay was purely commercial based... there were already too many games coming out this Christmas and Nintendo wisely moved it back to Feb next year... they just 'justified' it for fans by saying they were improving the game further... yes that's probably the case, but they could have still released on Dec 3 i'm certain.

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Dang.  This game just keeps looking better and better... and better.

This game looks to have surpassed the level of Win and firmly moved into the realm of Epic Win.

this game is starting to have some insane value... can't wait to play it.

still missing the Mii update (and megaman and why not a castelvania character while we're at it...) and i will be satisfied...

loadedstatement said:
The only thing that would make this better is if you could use your own MP3s on your own stage. But I wont complain. At all. Im stunned.

 If they allowed you to specify your own MP3s, then we wouldn't be able to share the stage.  I'm sure they don't want the RIAA all over them trying to shut it down because it becomes some MP3 swapping service.  So between using my own MP3s and being able to share stages, I'd pick the share stages.

The game is going to have a problem with the ratings.  10 is no longer good enough. 

Holy Jesus mother of Mary.

First of all, Bramble Blast music confirmed.

And then, oh yeah... Stage Builder.

I'm going to build a box stage like people have talked about, but with just the four corners of a box, and spikes all around the outside. So you're trapped in the box, but there's a lot of outs, and you can't simply land on the top and fall back in.

I'm going to use the up-and-down platforms and the ladders to approximate the 3rd level from the original Donkey Kong.

And I'm going to build a stage with a giant bed of spikes across the bottom, and two tiny platforms far apart just above it, and play it with light gravity from the Special Brawl menu.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.