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I need to play more TF2. I've been playing portal religiously since I beat it trying to complete bonus level challenges (steps, time, and portals). I also played through again with developer commentary, which was really interesting. We really ought to get a VGC TF2 team together sometime.

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BenKenobi88 said:
covered you mean?

And there's nothing secret about these videos...they're all very early in the adventure're probably getting more spoilers from the Dojo updates...but whatever.
 Yea idk.  I just dont want to spoil the game.  You've just convinced me to go watch the movies in full. >.<  *runs away to watch movies* 


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naznatips said:
I need to play more TF2. I've been playing portal religiously since I beat it trying to complete bonus level challenges (steps, time, and portals). I also played through again with developer commentary, which was really interesting. We really ought to get a VGC TF2 team together sometime.




Here's a video from my band's last show Check out more (bigger) videos here

Update: Peach: Final Smash

<Peach Blossom>

Somehow, Princess Peach always seems go at her own pace. Her Final Smash will lure you into her world.

She’s got the Smash Ball and she’s ready!

Wh-what is this? This screen frame?!

Peach dances. Mario suddenly gets sleepy.

At the end, a plethora of peaches!

The closer you are to Peach, the deeper you sleep. And all around you is a mountain of peaches that replenish your health when you eat them.

Are you just going to eat peaches?!

Or are you going to launch your foes?!

The flowers bloom. The peaches pour down. Yes. It’s so elegant.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

A potentially very lethal Final Smash.

It isn't Lucas's moves or Final Smash though...and we've seen this in a video already as well.

Man...there's gonna be at least like 10 updates that will be slightly disappointing because we've seen them a bit already.

Oh well, it looks cool. Also, TF2!! I've played with a few people off this site once in a while already.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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I thought this might happen. More info we already knew. Oh well.

Avalach tomorrow I'll see if there is any interest in it. Right now I need to sleep hehe.

You guys have Steam right? What's your Steam name Naznatips?

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Sweet Peach!

Screw Peach, anyone seen the DK video on GameTrailers?! I had a Donkey Kongh Country orgasm from that. Also seeing Fox wtfpwned out of the sky by MetaKnight's ship.

BenKenobi88 said:
You guys have Steam right? What's your Steam name Naznatips?

 mine's  c0nfuziz

add me =D 

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!