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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Official Updates

It's 2 months, not 3 months. And this delay isn't for adding characters...though it could be finishing development of characters that are already planned...

No new characters are gonna get added in the last 4 months of development...that time has past.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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I know you are right Ben, but Miis don't take that long to incorporate. All they have to do is basically load the preprogrammed Mii and give it some basic moves and a FS that refers to Wii Sports or something. It doesn't hurt to dream hehe. But yeah I guess they gonna need the 2 months to work on the servers cuz this game will be massive when it comes to online play. Nintendo better be prepared!




Haha...that video had like 1/10 videogame info and 9/10 awesome.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

I'm too tired to stay up...someone else gets to make post 5000...

Unless I spammed...but I'll be fair.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

So I haven't heard official confirmation on the US delay yet. Is it unannounced/undecided or did I miss it?

To Each Man, Responsibility
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Since the last page has been mostly spam and 'funnies' I'm going to go ahead and say you're all insane for liking the old Megaman games better. Yeah, you heard that right. But I only say that because the Zero series is one of the best action platformer experiences there is. Ben, you're missing out if you decide you don't like it without even trying it out. And what's this about bad art style? Its way better than the original or that ugly anime style used in the PS1 X games. *Disgruntled fan*

But Naza is right about the original Megaman in Brawl. The only thing is if Capcom insisted on another character or there was some cross promotion thing going on - and that's assuming Megaman will even be in Brawl. But I digress. Carry on with the funnies.


this thread is so gonna beat the whole "say something bout someone above you..."






Check out my pyro tf2 vid :)


Bet With routsounmanman: By the end of Q1 2008 Capcom WONT have announced a RE5 Wii Edition OR a new RE (classic gameplay) for the Wii (WON)


very close to..






Check out my pyro tf2 vid :)


Bet With routsounmanman: By the end of Q1 2008 Capcom WONT have announced a RE5 Wii Edition OR a new RE (classic gameplay) for the Wii (WON)








Check out my pyro tf2 vid :)


Bet With routsounmanman: By the end of Q1 2008 Capcom WONT have announced a RE5 Wii Edition OR a new RE (classic gameplay) for the Wii (WON)


see there are advantages of being in australia, get to spam up all the milestones since its 9 pm where i am feel the wrath of my awesomeness. 5000th post & reply






Check out my pyro tf2 vid :)


Bet With routsounmanman: By the end of Q1 2008 Capcom WONT have announced a RE5 Wii Edition OR a new RE (classic gameplay) for the Wii (WON)