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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Official Updates

"I'll wreck your balls!"



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Stephen Colbert reference FTW!




I still have my Virtual Boy...

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DonWii said:
I still have my Virtual Boy...




Here's hoping that the delay has something to do with the Miis being included in the game. Perhaps after seeing the Miis in Mario and Sonic Sakurai had to have them in the game as well... hmmm




I think they delay happen to fix bugs. No one new will be added because of the delay.

Need people to play online with me for Brawl.

Name is DROAK.  

Oh well 3 months is a little bit more than bug fixing if you ask me...

Anyways I found out the song on the video that introduced Sonic came from the game Phantasy Star Online from Sega. I have never played Phantasy Star Online so I can't say if it's true. Strange they didn't opt for a Sonic theme on that video.




That last video DonWii posted is just so filled with WIN.