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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Super Smash Bros. Brawl Official Updates

She would make a good AT. She could jump real high then use her Helicopter attack she does with her hair.

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also, when Fox grabs the Smash Ball, he glows orange. But in his update he glows blue. OMG! :O

The more the merrier. I wouldn't mind if she was in.

I just thought of something. Since one of Mario's attacks was changed to FLUDD, will Luigi get Poltergeist? :O

I like Bacon said:
I just thought of something. Since one of Mario's attacks was changed to FLUDD, will Luigi get Poltergeist? :O

 Not gonna happen! :P IMO.

100th post!!! I should get a avatar now.

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It's not that I would mind having her, but she seems unnecessary and I would prefer that slot be used for a more interesting character.

naznatips said:
It's not that I would mind having her, but she seems unnecessary and I would prefer that slot be used for a more interesting character.

 True, but rather her than no one.

When characters go near the pictures near the damage percentages, they fade. Trophies may not show what year the games came out.

Btw, Marios cape confirmed. He used it when he was co-oping with Pit. Add to the table! :P

Could that be Samus' stage when Wario catches on Fire from the pokemon?