BenKenobi88 said: Wow, what a coincidence, since we've been talking about AC characters...I suppose this still doesn't rule out the AC character...though I still don't see how the AC player character would make for a good fighter. |
It could be interesting.
1. Tools to use like Ness's bat (fishing pole, axe, and bug net, shovel) that would be used randomly with a smash attak.
2. The ability to pull random furniture, gyros, items, shirts, fish, and whatever out of your pocket and hurl them at your enemies.
3. The ability to produce from your pocket your own stash of fruit to replenish health.
4. A swarm of bees could lift you up for a up B jump.
5. Final smash: A bunch of white sheet halloween Animal Crossing friends appear and pummel all your foes, paralyzing them momentarily, and drop their candy as they exit leaving it for you. (Pummel my paralyzed foes or eat candy to replenish health?)
Lots of potential there.