Yup, Pokeballs have been announced, along with a Pokemon, Groudon.
When you throw a Poké Ball in Smash, a Pokémon
of some sort will appear and come to your aid.
Pick up and throw the Poké Ball…
A Pokémon appears!
Then it attacks anything in its path!
Mmm. They’re quite reliable. But you never know which Pokémon is inside a Poké Ball.
Of course, having this particular Pokémon appear at the most critical of times is in keeping with Murphy’s Law.
Goldeen, Goldeen, Goldeen, Goldeen, Goldeen…
This is the Pokémon that appeared on the packaging for Pokémon Ruby. Its bright red body is quite striking.
Groudon appears!
It… It’s HUGE!
It's always hot to the touch.
It won’t harm the player who called it, though, so use that to your advantage.
Hot! Hot! HOTTT!
Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release. (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )