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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will Wii-Fit OUTSELL Ps3 by Xmas 09

Comparing the sales of a game to the sales of a console is one of the strangest and most redundant things I've ever seen.

But okay, here's my guess: I think Carnival Games will outsell N-Gage by the end of this year.

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ultraslick said:
I really can't believe this.
Wii fit will have absolutely no chance ever of outselling the total PS3 numbers. Even if there was an unlimited supply, we are still talking about a scale.

How ridiculous. Its offensive really.

Do you have any idea how many scales are out there?  It's a lot more than all the consoles combined...

No reason to take offense at it's sales.  Most of the people who will pick this up would not have considered a console otherwise.  It's for growing the market, not for taking over existing PS3 owners.

NO . I could see Wii Fits sales LT max 15-25 million ... the PS3 will probably be well over that number by mid next year ;)

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

This oldie gets a bump, because I think the question deserves some attention. Since the thread started all those months ago, we have seen some awesome Wii Fit sales.

Since Wii Fits release, it has outsold the PS3 close to every week worldwide. When it was released in europe/america, the PS3 had a lead of around 10 million units.

Today, 6 months after release, that number is down to 7 million.

It is questionable if it's going to catch up to the PS3 by christmas 2009, but it's no longer completely out of the question.

This is invisible text!

Didnt see this thread in May, but looking at it now i think its totally possible. . . and i blame wii fit.

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Looking at current numbers i think it has a shot at outselling the PS3, PS3 sells poorly and Demand for the Wii Fit remains incredible, even if gamers do not want it, their girlfriends and families do. With Wii selling like hot cakes Wii fit will outsell the PS3. And i've said that a while ago.

I'd say yes :)
come on wii fit

if the stock is enough they may outsold ps3 already

No way man but Wii-fit will sell 20million+


I was reading this thread from the beginning, thinking this was a new thread, and all of a sudden I see that I've already commented. I was like "WTF"!

Well, I still believe the same may outsell it in an individual territory, but not worldwide.

