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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Ultimate Xbox360 offer coming tomorrow in Europe !

Ajax said:
oh ok, so the only things compared to the most expensive edition of the 360 game-wise that I won't be able to do is download demo's, play some online-games and download large extra content? but I can fix all this by buying a HDD?

 Basically, yes.

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ok, so if I would by an Arcade i would have no different experience with GTAIV and CoD4 than I would have playing these games on the Elite?


Ajax said:
oh ok, so the only things compared to the most expensive edition of the 360 game-wise that I won't be able to do is download demo's, play some online-games and download large extra content? but I can fix all this by buying a HDD?


Or check out my new webcomic:

Ajax said:
ok, so if I would by an Arcade i would have no different experience with GTAIV and CoD4 than I would have playing these games on the Elite?


*loves one word answers*

Or check out my new webcomic:

Its a shame that its the gimped arcade version... I mean they really do ask waaaay to much for a HDD...

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nice bundle, but in my opinion the 360 arcade + GTA4 + HD DVD drive + 1 controller + 256MB memory card bundle for 199€ the german amazon had (for a few days) was even a bit nicer

I still don't get how Microsoft works sometime.
They were the first to introduce the Harddrive and it was imo a great idea.
You keep hearing them touting DLC and how it is the way of the future.
And what do they do ? They ship frigging consoles without harddrives....

Makes you wonder if they really believe in all that talk about DLC being the future..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

This is exactly the same console.
But if you want to have some space (for demos, or DLC, GTA4 says Hi !)
then you have to upgrade your HDD (not really expensive)
I m not sure if it breaks or not the 3 years warranty

Time to Work !

you can give one word answers 'cause my questions are so clear rocketpig :P .. but that sounds good then.. I might pick one up, why not..


rocketpig said:
Ajax said:
ok, so if I would by an Arcade i would have no different experience with GTAIV and CoD4 than I would have playing these games on the Elite?


*loves one word answers*

Banable offence!  :0


It says deal ends in June? So its a store promotion? or a new Microsoft bundle?


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