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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Banjo Kazooie - Nuts and Bolts Trailer!!!!!!!!

for the record this could be a great game, it's just not what so many of us are looking for. Also, many of us that are looking at this game are people that don't own 360s. I'm sure many share the opinion that once we saw the trailer it lost its appeal because it just feels like many other 360 games out there with a different style. While some people are praising Rare for innovating I'm thinking something completely different is happening here. Why does Rare need to do radically mix genres like this but we don't see the same kind of thing for games like Perfect Dark? For perfect dark we just get a rehash. Why? Because it's a shooter, and this is the 360.

When Banjo comes out we this. Why? Because it's the 360. I don't think it could be any clearer that this is the reason why they changed Banjo like this. I'm not gonna say it's a terrible thing because it will appeal much more to the current 360 userbase than a traditional platformer would. They could at least call it something besides banjo threeie

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

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Seriously could microsoft or rare get sued by using mario? Anyone.....

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

No question THIS IS GAME OF THE YEAR. Absolutely amazing. Hell of a good.

@ selnor, most seem to be hating the lack of platforming, why do you not care?

LOL. I just read all the bad comments. What a surprise they are PS3 fanboys. Of course it will have Platform in it, Rare bloke said they made sure fans of the series will be happy.

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disolitude said:
johnsobas said:
disolitude said:

Yea and GTA4 is a rehash of 3, MGS4 is a rehash of 3, COD4 is a rehash of every other shooter in existance, Guitar hero is the same damn thing, the list could go on forever.

Your examples are horrendous, first Resident Evil 4 and now Sonic? These are natural, obvious progressions for the genre. Mario or Sonic becoming a 3d platformers is obvious, Resident Evil dropping its flawed pre-rendered backround system with bad controls and terrible camera is an obvious progression for the genre.

Banjo building, racing, and blowing up vehicles is not a damn natural progression. It's not even the same fucking genre, not even close. You aren't improving the platformer, you're simply not making a platformer anymore.

The platformer could use a good game much more than the racing, flying, blowing up vehicles genre could. This game has a new style, but it's not all that different from all the other games that 360 fans have been playing. This isn't innovating as much as it is conforming.

Resident Evil 4 did not have zombies... Try telling Sonic fans that 3d was a natural progression...

good point disolitude.  Res 4 didn't have zombies.  Just spanish people who were infected, walked slow, were dumb, and tried to eat you.

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Avalach21 said:
disolitude said:
johnsobas said:
disolitude said:

Yea and GTA4 is a rehash of 3, MGS4 is a rehash of 3, COD4 is a rehash of every other shooter in existance, Guitar hero is the same damn thing, the list could go on forever.

Your examples are horrendous, first Resident Evil 4 and now Sonic? These are natural, obvious progressions for the genre. Mario or Sonic becoming a 3d platformers is obvious, Resident Evil dropping its flawed pre-rendered backround system with bad controls and terrible camera is an obvious progression for the genre.

Banjo building, racing, and blowing up vehicles is not a damn natural progression. It's not even the same fucking genre, not even close. You aren't improving the platformer, you're simply not making a platformer anymore.

The platformer could use a good game much more than the racing, flying, blowing up vehicles genre could. This game has a new style, but it's not all that different from all the other games that 360 fans have been playing. This isn't innovating as much as it is conforming.

Resident Evil 4 did not have zombies... Try telling Sonic fans that 3d was a natural progression...

good point disolitude. Res 4 didn't have zombies. Just spanish people who were infected, walked slow, were dumb, and tried to eat you.

Last time I was in Spain everyone was trying to eat me! And they walked slow too!

GlingGling said:
Avalach21 said:
disolitude said:
johnsobas said:
disolitude said:

Yea and GTA4 is a rehash of 3, MGS4 is a rehash of 3, COD4 is a rehash of every other shooter in existance, Guitar hero is the same damn thing, the list could go on forever.

Your examples are horrendous, first Resident Evil 4 and now Sonic? These are natural, obvious progressions for the genre. Mario or Sonic becoming a 3d platformers is obvious, Resident Evil dropping its flawed pre-rendered backround system with bad controls and terrible camera is an obvious progression for the genre.

Banjo building, racing, and blowing up vehicles is not a damn natural progression. It's not even the same fucking genre, not even close. You aren't improving the platformer, you're simply not making a platformer anymore.

The platformer could use a good game much more than the racing, flying, blowing up vehicles genre could. This game has a new style, but it's not all that different from all the other games that 360 fans have been playing. This isn't innovating as much as it is conforming.

Resident Evil 4 did not have zombies... Try telling Sonic fans that 3d was a natural progression...

good point disolitude. Res 4 didn't have zombies. Just spanish people who were infected, walked slow, were dumb, and tried to eat you.

Last time I was in Spain everyone was trying to eat me! And they walked slow too!

If you were a female...I'd find this comment quite interesting.

disolitude said:

Oo la la...a personal attack...

Its interesting you bring up "Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Brawl, Metroid Prime or Super Paper Mario" as I've played them all.

Here is how I feel about Twilight princess...first post.

Mario Galaxy a rehash in my eyes but a good one.

Brawl is completely a rehash with a fun one player quest.

Metroid prime 3 a rehash with new control scheme.

Super paper mario is the best game out of all...I liked that one.

I still stand in saying Nintendo is the king of re-releases with upgraded graphics and tweeked gameplay. You forgot Mario Kart Wii...

In any case, Im done posting here as it will become a personal attacks topic. Banjo 3 looks cool. Looks like it may have a great online multiplayer, inventive gameplay and will look better than any platformer in recent memory apart from R&C.

For anyone that doesn't like change...sorry. I was pissed when Sonic went 3D too...but I got over it. When the game gets good reviews, you may change your minds as well.

You feel the need to insult Nintendo in response to insults of this dissapointing trailer. The fact that it sickens and insults me when you do this kind of crap isn't a personal attack.

If Nintendo is the king of re-releases, what is Rare the king of? IPs that survive off of nostalga, because the company that makes them seems to have forgotten how to develop a good game.

Again, I don't care if this game is great, or if it sucks. I simply care that you hate on Nintendo most of the time, for no good reason, and to me, you have no credibility because of that bias.

What if I trolled on every post and hated on 360 or PS3 as much as you hate on the Wii? Two things would happen.

A. Fanboys would be owned.

B. I'd probably get banned because I wouldn't have an army of bandwagon jumping Nintendo Foeboys to back me up, so I could get lost in the crowd.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I have a feeling that every single new trailer for a 360 game this year will have lots of people saying how rubbish it looks.

I'm counting Gears 2 and BK3 at the moment. Whats next Ninja Gaiden 2? Fable 2?
Thats my prediction, all these games will be hounded upon and compared to a bunch of other stuff.