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Forums - Gaming Discussion - NYTimes: "Wii Radiates Fun (and makes mothers laugh), Sony Machine Eclipsing"

Lets mothers ,girlies and grannies keep their wiis .....gamers play real next gen machines .

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Diomedes1976 said:
Lets mothers ,girlies and grannies keep their wiis .....gamers play real next gen machines .

 Last time I checked......gamers play games (Unless the defention of a gamer has changed), which the wii has, thus gamers play the wii. As well as any other games.

Diomedes1976 said:
Lets mothers ,girlies and grannies keep their wiis .....gamers play real next gen machines .

You go play with your next gen machines. I'd rather go hang out with the women and my Wii.

FishyJoe said:
Diomedes1976 said:
Lets mothers ,girlies and grannies keep their wiis .....gamers play real next gen machines .

You go play with your next gen machines. I'd rather go hang out with the women and my Wii.

ooo, *SMASH'D!!

 yea, you go play your "real" next gen "machine." i stick with the wii and have fun, you sony and MS boys remember "fun," right? 

A delayed game is good someday, a bad game is bad forever.

Narfer said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Honestly, we've seen plenty of news stories about the Wii's appeal. It is getting old.

yea, come on guys. lets give the sony and microsoft boys a break from our glory. instead lets get some more "how bad the ps3" is doing threads.

o, and this is in response to dallas's post. how are MS and sony going to make improvments? there games follow the same standards that the games for the last 3 gens have followed. wii is the one still "making improvments on its games." sony and MS are trying to be too much like computers, and getting away from actual gaming. thats where there problems are. they each are releasing different versions of their systems (that are actually different, not like the DS-DS lite difference) and focusing too much on online stuff. (Not even so much online gaming) i personally dont like gaming on consoles. my opinion is game on consoles, online stuff while on computers. (although id love to use the wii channels if i didnt have dialup, it wouldnt be my main online way to go) sony and MS need to get back to the roots of gaming, and quite worrying about different harddrives, DVD capability, HD, and all that shenanigans. lets get back to actuall gaming.

PS3 and 360 both have"games" so this whole "lets get back to actual gaming" statement is...well...not needed.  Look, the Wii has a Wiimote and that is the ONLY thing that it does better or different than the other 2 (better depending on which games and how you look at it).  We don't need another copycat article on how the Wii is appealing to people that don't play video games.  I'm not sure that those people will continue to buy games anyway.  Old people aren't suddenly going to become serious gamers.  They'll wave a wand for awhile and get some exercise with a few games (or just Wii sports) and that'll be it.  We'll see what the lasting appeal is.  I look forward to finding out if the games control BETTER.  Maybe I'm just too "hardcore" because I want the games to get better, not more mainstream.

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FishyJoe said:
Diomedes1976 said:
Lets mothers ,girlies and grannies keep their wiis .....gamers play real next gen machines .

You go play with your next gen machines. I'd rather go hang out with the women and my Wii.

Yeah, and I'll play with my girlfriend because it's new and different until she gets bored with it then I'm forced to play Zelda on my own.  Whatever.

windbane said:
FishyJoe said:
Diomedes1976 said:
Lets mothers ,girlies and grannies keep their wiis .....gamers play real next gen machines .

You go play with your next gen machines. I'd rather go hang out with the women and my Wii.

Yeah, and I'll play with my girlfriend because it's new and different until she gets bored with it then I'm forced to play Zelda on my own. Whatever.

 Lighten up dude.

This isn't another "copycat" article about how the Wii is great...this is an OLD article about how the Wii is great.

It wasn't that bad of an article at the end of January, but then Jake decided to bump all the old threads.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

Diomedes1976 said:
Lets mothers ,girlies and grannies keep their wiis .....gamers play real next gen machines .

You're a gamer then, I gather...

Well, since the "next-gen" is already here, it's no longer "next-gen", is it? It's "current-gen" right now in today land.

I wonder how you are going to have fun not playing any of the current-gen machines and having to wait for five more years for the next-gen to arrive.

But by then next-gen will become current-gen, and you'll have to wait another five years!

I feel sorry for you not being able to play any more games for the remainder of your lifetime...


BenKenobi88 said:
This isn't another "copycat" article about how the Wii is great...this is an OLD article about how the Wii is great.

It wasn't that bad of an article at the end of January, but then Jake decided to bump all the old threads.

Ahh, makes sense now.

FishyJoe:  just describing the truth.  Maybe you should lighten up.