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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Official Valkyria Chronicles Thread

akuma587 said:
The new trailer up on the U.S. PSN is nice if you guys haven't seen it. Makes this game look absolutely GORGEOUS.


Yeah, I noticed that yesterday.  I was thinking of bumping this thread, but it seems I've been beaten, lol.

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Still the one game that will get me to buy a PS3 over 360.

Was this and Little Big Planet... but the lack of proper enemies is just too disapointing.

The problem with previous "make your own platformer" games was it was hard to build effective enemies.

Without any serious enemy AI it just seems lazy, i'll wait for a sequel.

Just curious... has anyone here ever played the game "Future Tactics"?

It seems the closest to the gameplay in this game.

Which is awsesome, since that game had great combat... but everything else about it sucked including a lot of the additional gameplay.

There are characters from the Dreamcast RPG Skies of Arcadia in this game. Looks really good!

ecurbj said:
You know I was kinda suspect at Japanese strategy/RPG's. But after looking at the gameplay videos for this game. I must say, it's making me take a look that I completely thought I would never do and that is getting into this genre.

This looks like a welcome to the genre. I never was a Valkyria fan or know anything about this franchise. But Sega is doing an awesome job with the graphics and the gameplay up front :)

A serious contender to take my focus away from the Wii and Xbox 360 for a few months and finally focus on my PS3 :)

Its an original game.


iclim4 said:
Thanks for the review Torillian.

What happened to outlaw btw?
He just disappeared.

Sorry, everyone. I was in Missiouri for all of June. I am back and will revive my thread. I apologize for my absence.

 Here a link to the Playstation blog where they run through a bit of our most anticipated game. ^_^.

Here is also a link to a 1UP preview. Again, nothing but great press.

And of course, I'll leave with some screens (in English!).


"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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Nothing? No interest?

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

great, thanks outlawauron. If you find any english gameplay vid, post it.

Still my number 1 reason to buy a PS3. Rumors of the new PS3 80 gig not having PS1 backwords compatability likely means i'll have to get a used one though... and with the SKU dancing those can actually cost a decent amount.

News has been slow for this game...
Which is understandable since it's still a few months off.

Thanks for the new info outlaw. ^_^

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iclim4 said:
News has been slow for this game...
Which is understandable since it's still a few months off.

Thanks for the new info outlaw. ^_^


Well that and it's an incredibly niche game.  I'd be surprised if it got any advertising.