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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GTA IV demonstrates HD console userbase desperation

Exblackman said:
windbane said:
Best Sports game? Completely undeserved. Best Wii game of 2006? Not much to choose from in that 1 month. Top videogame of 2006 from TIME: come on.

The game is very shallow. It is 5 mini-games. The "innovation" was motion control in console gaming.

Hey it is was the best sports game since it was the most innovative sports game since none of the others  have change drastically in several years(especially madden).Top video game of 2006 Again,most innovative game of that year which usually what the Times pick since it a magazine of the general public not hardcore gamers.

You barely play the sports! It can't be the "best sports game" when there are far more complete sports experiences. Time is pretty useless when it comes to videogame reviews. That was my point. Also, there are far more publications than the ones you listed, and as I said, any Wii-only awards were judging against 1 month of games.

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wow the length of this article and the number of threads about GTA scores, shows the amount of insecurity around the Wii userbase. Hadn't thought that GTA would have this effect Come Wii owners to the dark hardcore side of the gaming world.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
wartaal said:
basicly, the improvements gta 4 made from gta SA were bigger than ssbb did compared to even the original n64 smash brothers.
in almost 10 years nintendo just used the same basic formula with some minor tweaks. the next smash brothers will be very similar to the other three and nintendo will throw in some next characters > nintendo fanboys happy.

gta4 is pushing both consoles to its limits, therefore it will be having some minor errors that will soon be fixed hopefully.

"Improving a series" and "pushing a console to its limits" have nothing to do with each other.

Brawl pushes the Wii closer to its limits than ever before, seeing as how it is the ONLY dual-layered disc on the system, so it's potentially twice as big as other Wii games.

What did GTA4 change gameplay wise? Did it tigthen the controls a little bit? Is that innovation now? That's expected. In fact, that's what we want and is the exact opposite of innovation. It's improvement, but ... not more than Brawl was.

 You obviously know nothing about the game as the changes and improvements are insanely extensive. No game has ever come anywhere near this close to creating a real, living, breathing place inhabited by vibrant individual personalities you can interract with. I don't believe that any game ever previously released, ever, has been this deep with this much to do, this packed with details and interaction. It goes far beyond any game I have ever played before and video games have been my hobby since 1990.

 All of the things the game has improved on and all of the new innovations and additions are so numerous I'm literally left with my head spinning as to where to even start. This is a game that grows on you and sucks you in and becomes better with every minute you spend playing it. Sure, in the first half hour or so it just seems like GTA in HD but by the time you've put ten hours into it you start to understand why it's so much more than the average game and the enormity of Rockstar's accomplishment begins to dawn on you. By the time you've put twenty to thirty hours into it and you're incredibly immersed in the whole experience you're spouting off the same superlatives that IGN's 7 page 10/10 review was giving out while constantly coming up with new ones. The 10/10 that came from IGN's most respected reviewer on a site that hadn't given out 10's since Ocarina of Time and Soul Caliber.

 If GTA IV ends up being the highest rated game of all time, it will have earned it, handily - and I think that's the only reason Nintendo fans even care about it - it might displace Ocarina of Time. How would you like it if I dismissed that game as "just another Zelda game" while ignoring all of the innovations it brought to the table because I couldn't be arsed to play it or even fucking read a review for it?

windbane said:
Best Sports game? Completely undeserved. Best Wii game of 2006? Not much to choose from in that 1 month. Top videogame of 2006 from TIME: come on.

The game is very shallow. It is 5 mini-games. The "innovation" was motion control in console gaming.

 Well I assume you're going to disagree with me when I assert that in my opinion Wii Sports is not only the most influential game of this generation but the single most influential game since early in the 5th generation.

The fact is that GTA IV is miles better than SA, and SA had an average review of around 96, there is no place to go other than to 100

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Munkeh111 said:
The fact is that GTA IV is miles better than SA, and SA had an average review of around 96, there is no place to go other than to 100

 San Andreas never deserved the ratings it got. It lost a lot in the way of quality compared to III and Vice City because Rockstar focused too much on the quantity. So many aspects of the game suffered just to make the playground larger.

 GTA IV, on the other hand, doesn't compromise anywhere. It's both the largest city they've ever done and also the most detailed and the best game they've made yet by an incredibly long shot.

Deviation59 said:
Munkeh111 said:
The fact is that GTA IV is miles better than SA, and SA had an average review of around 96, there is no place to go other than to 100

 San Andreas never deserved the ratings it got. It lost a lot in the way of quality compared to III and Vice City because Rockstar focused too much on the quantity. So many aspects of the game suffered just to make the playground larger.

 GTA IV, on the other hand, doesn't compromise anywhere. It's both the largest city they've ever done and also the most detailed and the best game they've made yet by an incredibly long shot.

 What did San Andreas lose? It massively improved the gameplay (though that is now brilliant in IV) and increased the size of your playground, and the massive veriety of things that you can do

Wii Sports is not only the most influential game of this generation but the single most influential game since early in the 5th generation.

I am a card-carrying HD fanboy but even I would have to agree with that. Everyone who played a round of Wii Tennis instantly thinks that the Wii is the perfect console for playing with friends in the same room. As deficient Wii solo play may be in my eyes if I had a couple of friends over a big room and wanted something to play I would take the Wii over the PS3 anytime. And this is 95% Wii Sports. All these minigame compilations with their kiddy graphics and forced fun factor suck but Wii Tennis is something even total non-gamers find amazing.
I think you cannot overstate Wii Sports influence on the Wiis success.

But back to GTA4: Doing something new is only one aspect of innovation and greatness, doing something incredibly good is another even more important factor. (Wii fans tend to downplay that because Nintendo followed a more disruptive approach this gen but its nevertheless true) And GTA4 may have the same general game mechanics as GTA on the PS2, but boy has the game grown up. Play it, really, its amazing. The incredible graphics are an important part of creating a living breathing city around you but they are by far not all. It is lightyears ahead of its predecessors. Yes in General the same applies for Kart or Brawl but IMO GTA made a much farther jump.

Kyros said:
Wii Sports is not only the most influential game of this generation but the single most influential game since early in the 5th generation.

I am a card-carrying HD fanboy but even I would have to agree with that. Everyone who played a round of Wii Tennis instantly thinks that the Wii is the perfect console for playing with friends in the same room. As deficient Wii solo play may be in my eyes if I had a couple of friends over a big room and wanted something to play I would take the Wii over the PS3 anytime. And this is 95% Wii Sports. All these minigame compilations with their kiddy graphics and forced fun factor suck but Wii Tennis is something even total non-gamers find amazing.
I think you cannot overstate Wii Sports influence on the Wiis success.

 I didn't really enjoy it that much, I would much prefer a game of PES 2008, or Timesplitters 2(we need 4 soon FR!)

Kyros said:
Wii Sports is not only the most influential game of this generation but the single most influential game since early in the 5th generation.

I am a card-carrying HD fanboy but even I would have to agree with that. Everyone who played a round of Wii Tennis instantly thinks that the Wii is the perfect console for playing with friends in the same room. As deficient Wii solo play may be in my eyes if I had a couple of friends over a big room and wanted something to play I would take the Wii over the PS3 anytime. And this is 95% Wii Sports. All these minigame compilations with their kiddy graphics and forced fun factor suck but Wii Tennis is something even total non-gamers find amazing.
I think you cannot overstate Wii Sports influence on the Wiis success.

But back to GTA4: Doing something new is only one aspect of innovation and greatness, doing something incredibly good is another even more important factor. (Wii fans tend to downplay that because Nintendo followed a more disruptive approach this gen but its nevertheless true) And GTA4 may have the same general game mechanics as GTA on the PS2, but boy has the game grown up. Play it, really, its amazing. The incredible graphics are an important part of creating a living breathing city around you but they are by far not all. It is lightyears ahead of its predecessors. Yes in General the same applies for Kart or Brawl but IMO GTA made a much farther jump.

Alright, you both could be right about Wii Sports. I tend to forget how many people started playing Wii because of that game. I had a PS3 first so I missed that initial Wii Sports phase. By the time I got a Wii, no one cared anymore. Rock Band is the more social experience now, imo, so it should do well on the Wii. But still, as a videogame, it's very shallow. I can see why it got the scores it did. They aren't bad because of the motion controls.