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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why GTA4 blows OoT our of the water.

TheRealMafoo said:

If OoT were released today, exactly as it is, and it was the first time you ever saw it, you would laugh it away as shovel ware.

You fail sir

And obviously you are not a retrogamer so I don't think you can understand it


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Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
While the Fallout games have great voice acting, I still have to give Greatest Performance Ever to Andy Serkis in Heavenly Sword. His take on Bohan was so perfectly over-the-top and he nailed the "crazy frustrated" villain type to a tee.

Play Arcanum... I love Virgil's conversations.

Here's one that you get if your main character has an EXTREMELY low intelligence score.



I can't play sound on this computer but I will definitely check it out when I get home. The conversations in Fallout when your character had low intelligence were absolutely hilarious.

Of course, in typical Fallout style, it also made the game brutally difficult to play a character that bloody stupid. 

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I think the issue is that hyped mainstream games have a free pass for good reviews as long as they meet expectations to a certain degree. To me, reviews scores are standardized to the point where they have little to no meaning, every reviewer seems to follow the other reviewers lead. Simply put, there are few reviewers that deviate considerably from the general consensus of the game.

That said, OOT averaging 97s back when it was released is far more significant than GTA4 averaging 98-99 now.

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regin2005 said:
You can't even compare GTA IV to LoZ:OoT because those games are targeted torwards two completely different audiences.

I'm watching GTA4 streams right now and have been since Saturday and from all of this praise that I keep hearing about (perfect scores and such), it just doesn't seem perfect. GTA4 is a 9.5 at best. And that multiplayer mode IS THE BEST PART.

My take is this:

Any game can be compared. Where the OP went wrong is to ignore truly revolutionary aspects of a game in favor of "golly-gee, this sure is purdy" graphics and tweaks to already-existing gameplay. GTA III is a "better" game than GTA IV simply for the fact that it gave birth to a new style of play that has been copied countless times since then. OoT did much the same to its own genre but IMO, it still fails on some levels when compared to Mario 64, a game that truly blew open the platforming genre.

What the OP was saying reeks of "Episode I was better than Episode IV because the SFX were better and the Jedi were more impressive." It ignores almost every aspect of the piece in favor of focusing purely on visuals.

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Well you can compare these two games, but only if you look at sales and take personal ratings with a grain of salt. But what you have done, Mafoo, is essentially arguing without logic. You cannot say

TheRealMafoo said:

If OoT were released today, exactly as it is, and it was the first time you ever saw it, you would laugh it away as shovel ware.

You cannot say this because what you are comparing is old original tech, to the new tech and laughing at how poor the original tech is. What you have to do is look at the breakthrough that tech was at the time.

Let me give you an analogy of what you are doing in this argument.
Edison creates a light bulb, one of the biggest technical advancements in recent history. What you are arguing is essentially "The original light bulb is crap, it has no effect today. Pssshht. I mean look at these nifty CF light bulbs. They are so advanced!"

You cannot say that the original is crap when compared to today's standards. It was breakthrough at the time and without it you wouldn't have the same light bulbs today.

So your argument lacks all credibility.

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lol, I loled at your opinion and am sad now as people can have that opinion.

Video games that have proven their worth are remembered by those left behind who played them, things like that aren't guaged by anything other than it's direct succesor or it rival of it's time.

I won't be insulting, because I appreciate how much you made me lol.

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Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
While the Fallout games have great voice acting, I still have to give Greatest Performance Ever to Andy Serkis in Heavenly Sword. His take on Bohan was so perfectly over-the-top and he nailed the "crazy frustrated" villain type to a tee.

Play Arcanum... I love Virgil's conversations.

Here's one that you get if your main character has an EXTREMELY low intelligence score.



 I remember this, it's right at the beginning of Arcanum. Unfortunately I left the game halfway through, bad of me, and I'm a big Fallout fan. Amazing voice-acting though.

@rocketpig: I retract my statement of Fallout 1's Master being the best voice acting (though it will stick in your mind for  obvious reasons). The best voice acting I've ever had the pleasure of hearing was Morte from Planescape: Torment. God, how amazing he was, best character EVER! 

Bohan's voice was brilliant, and it definitely felt like a cinematic performance, but Morte gave you the voice of an old friend, a confident and a comedian. There is no other character that had such a natural and distinguished voice acting. 

I can think of a few others that are amazing too: Kreia (Kotor 2), Manuel Calavera and Glottis(Grim Fandango), Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island), Master (Fallout 1), Sam & Max (Sam & Max: Season 1 and 2), Garrett (Thief series). There are lots more, but are from the top of my head.

shio said:

I remember this, it's right at the beginning of Arcanum. Unfortunately I left the game halfway through, bad of me, and I'm a big Fallout fan. Amazing voice-acting though.

@rocketpig: I retract my statement of Fallout 1's Master being the best voice acting (though it will stick in your mind for obvious reasons). The best voice acting I've ever had the pleasure of hearing was Morte from Planescape: Torment. God, how amazing he was, best character EVER!

Bohan's voice was brilliant, and it definitely felt like a cinematic performance, but Morte gave you the voice of an old friend, a confident and a comedian. There is no other character that had such a natural and distinguished voice acting.

I can think of a few others that are amazing too: Kreia (Kotor 2), Manuel Calavera and Glottis(Grim Fandango), Guybrush Threepwood (Monkey Island), Master (Fallout 1), Sam & Max (Sam & Max: Season 1 and 2), Garrett (Thief series). There are lots more, but are from the top of my head.

Oooh Garrett was pretty good. I'd forgotten about the excellent Thief games. I didn't like Kreia at all really (more of a character/personality thing I guess). Minsc and Jon Irenicus from Baldur's Gate 1/2 were also voiced very well. Minsc had more memorable lines but Irenicus had the prefect delivery and accent for his. His character was very reminscent of a Moliarty-esqe character.



lol I like were this thread is heading now.

Now that we're off topic and on to something interesting, a discussion of great voice acting cannot consider itself credible without the absolute genius that is Eternal Darkness.




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