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Well you can compare these two games, but only if you look at sales and take personal ratings with a grain of salt. But what you have done, Mafoo, is essentially arguing without logic. You cannot say

TheRealMafoo said:

If OoT were released today, exactly as it is, and it was the first time you ever saw it, you would laugh it away as shovel ware.

You cannot say this because what you are comparing is old original tech, to the new tech and laughing at how poor the original tech is. What you have to do is look at the breakthrough that tech was at the time.

Let me give you an analogy of what you are doing in this argument.
Edison creates a light bulb, one of the biggest technical advancements in recent history. What you are arguing is essentially "The original light bulb is crap, it has no effect today. Pssshht. I mean look at these nifty CF light bulbs. They are so advanced!"

You cannot say that the original is crap when compared to today's standards. It was breakthrough at the time and without it you wouldn't have the same light bulbs today.

So your argument lacks all credibility.