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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why GTA4 blows OoT our of the water.

Viper1 said:

To use your football reference is the greatest Running Back of all time playing today?

The greatest running back of all time is a modern running back, if that's what you are asking.

If we were to take every player in the NFL that played only before 1990. (so someone who's career ended in 1989-90), and I said "build me your best team". They could not stand up to any NFL team today.

Any team today would have offensive linemen that outweighed your defensive by 50-100 pounds, and be stronger and faster.

My defensive linemen would outweigh your offensive linemen, and be stronger and faster. 

Your linebackers would be 180-200 pounds. Your defensive back would look like they were standing still. You just can't compare.


Video games are the same. You all love that game because of what it did for it's time. Not what it is today. Yea, I loved watching Dick Budkus play. But he was the meanest, biggest, toughest linebacker in the NFL, and he weighed 244 pounds. He was hitting QB's they weighed 190. I wonder what would have happened to him if he hit (or got hit), by donte culpepper who come in at 260 (and a lot faster and stronger).

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When you still think GTAIV is the best game ever in ten years I leave the videogames.

Don't hesitate to leave now and then please also leave this forum too we can miss those childish comments.

superchunk said:
Sorry, you are not really thinking about what made OOT the highest rated game ever. It has nothing to do with new technology, graphics, and the like. It has to do with the enjoyment and experience given in the game. OOT is miles apart from previous Zelda titles and a massive win for the series. GTA4 is just GTA bigger. It is not in any way a pivotal series in the franchise.

This is the part of reasoning Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime are also in the top 5 rated games of all time. They are all very enjoyable games that greatly changed the way the franchised worked. GTA4 only adds more of the same content. Granted, it looks like a superb game and a lot of fun overall, but, not a '10' in my book and definitely not better than OOT or SMG.

 I think Red is totally better than Blue. I think Green can kick Brown's ass. I think Purple beats Yellow. 


From what I've seen, GTA4 almost completely changed it's game mechanics. Sure, OoT went from a 2D franchise to a 3D franchise, and that's what made it so many "miles apart" from the older games, but if that were the case, shouldn't GTA3 be held with just as much high esteem for immersing gamers from a 2D franchise to a 3D world? I honestly think GTA is a better franchise simply because for the first time people could go into a world similar to theirs, only do whatever they want.


See that? No? Well let me just push this combination of buttons and I get a military tank. See those innocent people walking to work? Boom! 


Zelda gave a pretty big leap of freedom in it's first 3D game, but GTA3 made an even bigger leap. It's by far one of the most innovative game I've ever seen. Zelda has been mostly about saving a princess, just like Mario, Cinderella, and countless fairy tales.


Anyway, if we go by the "pivotal series" in a franchise, it's gotta be GTA3. GTA4 really capitalized on game mechanics, though. OoT was great, but it isn't the holy grail of gaming.

PS3 Trophies

Final Fantasy VII, Zelda Ocarina of Time, Starcraft, Street Fighter II, Super Mario Bros 3, GoldenEye 007, Metal Gear Solid, Super Metroid, Half-Life, Dragon Quest III, Super Mario 64... and you already wanna call GTA IV the greatest game or greater than Ocarina of Time.. a little too early to call that I think..


Million said:
There is no such thing as the "best" game.

best is a subjective word , what is "best" to one person may be undesirable to another.

I guess the only way you could objectivley [atempt] to decide the best game would be through sales numbers but even that would be a screwed up method because of the amount of advertising and promotion that goes into it( Halo 3 for example)

About time someone said this, topic over. >_>^

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

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The thing is I get the feeling GTA will soon feel out-dated and old, in ten years time gamers simply won't have fun playing it. Kind of like Goldeneye for N64, it was fucking amazing at the time but now it just feels extremely dated.

In my opinion the greatest games never feel like that, LoZ:OoT doesn't, SM64 doesn't, Portal won't.

I've played OoT back when it came out and it was a great game (one of the best I've played). Would I play it now? I really can't see myself doing that honestly. I picked up GTA4 at lunch break today for $37.50 (us) and will be giving it a good workout tonight when I'm off work in a little more then an hour. I'll add my thoughts in comparing the games and how they compare to each other and how revolutionary they are to their genre. If GTA 4 is half as good as I've heard from reviewers, I think it has a great chance to be the best of all time, and easily among those of this generation.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

TheRealMafoo said:
famousringo said:

So enormous that it seems they cannot be articulated.

Seriously, the only things that I've read this game has but previous GTA games don't is a good story and polish. If I'm wrong, enlighten me.

No, because doing so would take away the reason it's getting 10's. If you want to know why it's so good, the only way to understand, is to play it.

 It gets 10s because it brutally crushes the communications skills of people who play it?

Are you afraid of giving away spoilers? Is the story so amazing that any preview damages the child-like innocence that one must enter the game with in order to enjoy the transcendant narrative to its fullest?

Throw me a bone here. 

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

I will reserve my opinions until after I have played the game. I tend to take my time playing games, not more than a couple hours a night. OoT was a great game and my favorite on the N64. Not my favorite of all time, but that may be because I was already biased due to some games I loved on the SNES and I felt that OoT was not quite as interesting of a story as A Link to the Past for me.

@ jjseth - Where did you pick up GTA4 for $37.50? I haven't bought it yet and I would love to get it at a discount.

The Ocarina of Time is still my favorite game, despite it's age. It easily outpaces every game out on the current gen consoles, imo.