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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why isn't Fox, Falco, Crystal , and Wolf not in Mario Kart?

RolStoppable said:
What I would really love to see in a Mario Kart game would be an F-Zero car. Something like the Blue Falcon for example.

I see what you did there...

You nasty boy, you.

Around the Network
dsoverpsp said:

Inspired by "Why isn't Samus in Mario Kart?"


They are Nintendoish right?


*EDIT what weapons would Mario Kart get if (list people) were introduced?

CrEDIT : PooperScooper

The title really bugs me...  I don't have a problem with most grammer errors, but double negatives that are not meant to be double (or should have three) really bugs me and it is the exactly not what you meant.

 As it is worded, you are asking why are they in....