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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Another comparison of GTA IV PS3 vs X360

TheRealMafoo said:
Press_the_Button said:

The good news for Grand Theft Auto fans is that whatever platform you have chosen as your own, GTA IV excels on both. They are almost evenly matched, feature for feature. Gamers will have to decide which is more important to them, a slightly more technically sound experience on the PlayStation 3 or downloadable content and Xbox Live integration on the Xbox 360.

Let me rewrite that for him:

The good news for Grand Theft Auto fans is that whatever platform you have chosen as your own, GTA IV excels on both. They are almost evenly matched, feature for feature. Gamers will have to decide which is more important to them, a slightly more technically sound experience on the PlayStation 3, motion sensing controls, and future home integration, or downloadable content and Xbox Live integration on the Xbox 360.


I figure if he is going to throw in announced undelivered features, I would too ;)

Odd that he didn't mention that it's for a fee too.

Er.....he mentioned motion control in the review?

Edit:  He could also have pointed out that anyone that buys the offical PS3 bundle won't be playing with rumble.  But hey, who's nitpicking? 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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EaglesEye379 said:
Its so similar that the only difference worth noting is the DLC and Achievements. If you dont give a rats ass about Gamerscore, then not even Achievements.

On the other hand, now that the game is more streamlined (recent Gametrailers said the game is easier) and shorter, the DLC is going to make more of an impact. If the DLC opens up a new area, more character development and more story (or even new multiplayer modes, who knows) then this is a must-buy.

Of course, as the OT stated, we dont know much about the DLC, but needless to say Im glad Im getting the 360 version, why risk it for this game already earmarked as game of the year. I dont think Rockstar would allow the DLC to screw up on this franchise.

I see your point, and it will be completely correct if the DLC turns out to be excellent.  I also agree that Rockstar has a million incentives to make the game's DLC excellent.

However, just as it's unlikely Home will match Microsoft's online, we are yet to see whether the DLC will say the game's quality as a matter of certainty.

Still, I agree it is the most compelling argument one way or another as to which version should be picked up. 


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

ps3 wins again!

this is just silly, these comparisons are just nitpicking tiny details that you can barely notice and honestly I don't think anyone would care even if they did. If you want the downloadable content get the 360 version, if you don't then I would say PS3 but it's almost the same.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

starcraft said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Press_the_Button said:

The good news for Grand Theft Auto fans is that whatever platform you have chosen as your own, GTA IV excels on both. They are almost evenly matched, feature for feature. Gamers will have to decide which is more important to them, a slightly more technically sound experience on the PlayStation 3 or downloadable content and Xbox Live integration on the Xbox 360.

Let me rewrite that for him:

The good news for Grand Theft Auto fans is that whatever platform you have chosen as your own, GTA IV excels on both. They are almost evenly matched, feature for feature. Gamers will have to decide which is more important to them, a slightly more technically sound experience on the PlayStation 3, motion sensing controls, and future home integration, or downloadable content and Xbox Live integration on the Xbox 360.


I figure if he is going to throw in announced undelivered features, I would too ;)

Odd that he didn't mention that it's for a fee too.

Er.....he mentioned motion control in the review?

Edit:  He could also have pointed out that anyone that buys the offical PS3 bundle in Europe won't be playing with rumble.  But hey, who's nitpicking? 



He could have also mentioned how XBOX Live shut down this Christmas, because of all the people playing, while the PlayStation Network did not.

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As for the DLC element of the decision making, it occurred to me that come the end of the year won't a lot of people moved on to other games? i.e. Resistance 2, LittleBigPlanet, COD5, and so on? I know GTA IV is big, but there's going to be a lot of other big hitters landing on the shelves come November time, will people be that bothered about DLC (other than hardcore GTA fans?).

Also, has anyone figured out yet why we've had no solid details on what the DLC is? Seems a bit strange that R* or MS haven't detailed exactly what might be heading our way - it's the lack of information on the DLC that made me fear "Horse armour" and made me refuse to favour the 360 version based purely on future content I know nothing about.

I am largely platform agnostic. I fail to understand why some people get overly fanboyish about what is an inanimate piece of electronics that's obsolete even before it's launched, when there are far more important things to champion, such as preventing environmental destruction or preventing millions of people dying unnecessarily from illnesses. This fact however, doesn’t mean I am not someone who doesn’t enjoy gaming as a pastime (as I have done for the last 20 years) or doesn’t have a strong interest in how the market is evolving – hence my presence on this site.

Platforms owned – PC, DS, X-Box 360, PS3, PSP and Wii.


Another install...

At least it isn't twenty minutes long.

So the scorecard:

PS3 wins in:
-SIXAXIS support.

360 wins in:
-Aliasing/paint filter
-No install

Note that neither future DLC or future online capabilities are recorded as advantages as all are speculative.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

DMeisterJ said:
starcraft said:
TheRealMafoo said:
Press_the_Button said:

The good news for Grand Theft Auto fans is that whatever platform you have chosen as your own, GTA IV excels on both. They are almost evenly matched, feature for feature. Gamers will have to decide which is more important to them, a slightly more technically sound experience on the PlayStation 3 or downloadable content and Xbox Live integration on the Xbox 360.

Let me rewrite that for him:

The good news for Grand Theft Auto fans is that whatever platform you have chosen as your own, GTA IV excels on both. They are almost evenly matched, feature for feature. Gamers will have to decide which is more important to them, a slightly more technically sound experience on the PlayStation 3, motion sensing controls, and future home integration, or downloadable content and Xbox Live integration on the Xbox 360.


I figure if he is going to throw in announced undelivered features, I would too ;)

Odd that he didn't mention that it's for a fee too.

Er.....he mentioned motion control in the review?

Edit: He could also have pointed out that anyone that buys the offical PS3 bundle in Europe won't be playing with rumble. But hey, who's nitpicking?



He could have also mentioned how XBOX Live shut down this Christmas, because of all the people playing, while the PlayStation Network did not.

Er, there is only an official PS3 bundle in Europe.........


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
So the scorecard:

PS3 wins in:
-SIXAXIS support.

360 wins in:
-Frame-rate " but both versions seemed to regularly run at a similar clip."
-Aliasing/paint filter
-No install   some might consider the install, which decreases pop in an advanatage.
-Rumble  uhh... dualshock

Note that neither future DLC or future online capabilities are recorded as advantages as all are speculative.
