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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Another comparison of GTA IV PS3 vs X360

BCNR34 said:
DOATS1 said:

ugly, UGLY, pop-in

 if thats real, thats horrible.

 I expect the pop-up to be bad, but not that bad. That's either a beta or alpha stage movie, or it's being played on someone's 360 with a bad DVD drive.

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kingofwale said:
Shameless said:
PooperScooper said:
Shameless said:
DOATS1 said:

ugly, UGLY, pop-in

This is exactly what I mean when I say this game doesn't deserve to score so highly. All reviews so far have rated it 10/10 for graphics, I mean looking at this it couldn't be further from the truth. I haven't seen pop-in this bad in all my time gaming.

Do you know what graphics are?

WTF else would you class pop-in as?

 I would classify it under "gameplay".. and in this case.. "unplayable"

 its a graphics thing, not gameplay. Gamplay would be like if your camera flipped out when that happens.

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FJ-Warez said:
BCNR34 said:
ToastyJaguar said:
The 2 versions still have the same graphics and frame-rate. Only the 360 version has the occasional pop-up which gives the ps3 the slightest of edges. Considering the 360 version is able to perform near on par with the ps3 version is a damn good showing for the 360 as it does not have the option to pre-install any part of the game.

 wow if it isnt the 500th time we've heard that. yawn.

 Lol, still this the most sane opinion, there is no huge gap, there is not a lot less polygons, worse quality textures, 60 fps vs 30 fps, or 720p vs 1080... both versions are near the same...

The more noticiable advantages of the PS3, "less" pop-in and "shorter" ( by a couple of seconds) load times are due to the HDD install, yeah, shame on MS, but there is no big gap here...

 you forgot better AA in the PS3 version.

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the review in gametrailers is based in the xbox360 version of the game...

ssj12 said:
FJ-Warez said:
BCNR34 said:
ToastyJaguar said:
The 2 versions still have the same graphics and frame-rate. Only the 360 version has the occasional pop-up which gives the ps3 the slightest of edges. Considering the 360 version is able to perform near on par with the ps3 version is a damn good showing for the 360 as it does not have the option to pre-install any part of the game.

 wow if it isnt the 500th time we've heard that. yawn.

 Lol, still this the most sane opinion, there is no huge gap, there is not a lot less polygons, worse quality textures, 60 fps vs 30 fps, or 720p vs 1080... both versions are near the same...

The more noticiable advantages of the PS3, "less" pop-in and "shorter" ( by a couple of seconds) load times are due to the HDD install, yeah, shame on MS, but there is no big gap here...

 you forgot better AA in the PS3 version.

 I was going to edit it, but AA usually is not very noticiable for most of the users (since there is some on the 360 version too), and so far the PS3 is "a lot more powerfull for post-pro" so, it would sound more like a biased criticism...

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People that dismiss the DLC are deluding themselves. GTA is a series known for its legs. Just looking at the sales of the cod 4 map pack (over a million sales in less then two weeks) shows the DLC will be successful. Yes we don't know what the DLC is but we can safely assume that A it will sell by the bucket load and B its going to help the legs of the 360 version.

FaRmLaNd said:
People that dismiss the DLC are deluding themselves. GTA is a series known for its legs. Just looking at the sales of the cod 4 map pack (over a million sales in less then two weeks) shows the DLC will be successful. Yes we don't know what the DLC is but we can safely assume that A it will sell by the bucket load and B its going to help the legs of the 360 version.

*Coug* multiplayer *cough*

DOATS1 said:
TheRealMafoo said:

 Why use the video card? Make that optional too. Software 3d for those that want no load times at all. It will look 1000 time worse, but load instantly.

Look, the PS3 comes with a collection of tools for the developers to utilize. One of those tools is a HD. Why not use it?

And to directly answer your question. Let's say you could stream 100 textures a second off the HD, and 40 off an optical drive. If you were constrained to 40, you would design your game differently. You would put less marquees down a street, or populate the town with less unique car types, or people. You would have to compromise something.

a 7 minute install to not have to make that compromise is a huge advantage. Mass Effect on the PC will look far better for the same reason.

When nothing is constraining you from using the HD, why would you constrain yourself? 

i don't mind waiting for installs, i'm not annoyed, other wise i wouldn't be getting the ps3 version. but what i'm trying to establish is that the developers clearly made the install mandatory for a reason apart from convenience.

They made it mandatory because a HDD outperforms both a BR drive and a DVD drive for read speed.  Why do you think they (Rockstar) complained about lack of HDD on 360?

If you read their recent comments its clear that while it took them longer to get efficient with PS3 (in terms of learning the console) it took them additional effort to optimize the game as far as they could for 360 without an HDD.

Most devs if you look state that 360 would benefit from an HDD and you can be sure if 360 had an HDD then it would be a mandatory install for that console too - and most likely not just for GTA but games like DMC4 too.

Devs like HDD for speed and will use it if its there - making it optional means settling for less performance so they take the choice out of your hands to 'force' the best performance on you.


Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

starcraft said:
Press_the_Button said:
As for the DLC element of the decision making, it occurred to me that come the end of the year won't a lot of people moved on to other games? i.e. Resistance 2, LittleBigPlanet, COD5, and so on? I know GTA IV is big, but there's going to be a lot of other big hitters landing on the shelves come November time, will people be that bothered about DLC (other than hardcore GTA fans?).

Also, has anyone figured out yet why we've had no solid details on what the DLC is? Seems a bit strange that R* or MS haven't detailed exactly what might be heading our way - it's the lack of information on the DLC that made me fear "Horse armour" and made me refuse to favour the 360 version based purely on future content I know nothing about.

Everything here is speculative.  But picture this. It is Christmas and you want to know what console to get your kid.  HE loves GTA and wants the game, and he just found out that the 360 (which happens to be cheaper) has some awesome just-released DLC that makes the game longer and more interesting.  What do you do?

The timing of the DLC is very strategic.  It is set to come just before Christmas and then again during the slow period next year.  You must understand that Microsoft has risked $50 million on this.  It will not be small.  Furthermore, Rockstar have said they wouldn't want people to feel like they have been duped, whilst Microsoft representatives have told us to think about the DLC as we would San Andreas or Vice City. 


Anyone who would get this game for their kid needs to take some parenting classes. A more likely scenario runs like this:

It's Christmas and I want to know what console to get for my kid. He loves Pokemon, Mario, and Animal Crossing and I just found out that the only console that has those games is Nintendo Wii. What do you do?

You stand in line at a Toys r Us for four hours on a Sunday morning or you buy one on Ebay.

Ummm why not just say that they're about even? Its all subjective really, based on what a person values over another. Yet this isnt about the game, its like a domestic fight with the kid caught in the middle of it. The kids GTAIV, and hes crying!!

Well, ok ill settle it.

THE PC VERSIONS GONNA Humiliate/Destroy/Own/Pwn/Be full of win over the console version(s). You're arguing about 27fps vs 30 whilst im talking about 60fps @1920 by 1080.

When it comes out later this year lol

Important part above:
