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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii "Shovelware" final yields a boon, hopefully trend continues

octomania, is a compile heart developed  puzzle game that if not for conspiracy entertainment, might never have seen release out side of Japan,  but if "shovelware" can get odd ball games out of Japan, you know what I'll ignore those copies of billy the wizard, or monster truxz sitting on the bottom of shelves in hopes of getting more quirky games like this


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I don't like how this game has been graded. It's clear that they loved it, and the only thing even resembling a complaint is "you'd better use control option B rather than A, because it's a lot better", yet all the scores are 7.something and an 8.5 for graphics. They're basically capping the scores at 8 because it's a low budget puzzle game, even though they describe it as pretty much the best low budget puzzle game imaginable.

Of course you can't really give the same score as Brawl or GTA4 either, which really begs the question if there's any point in using the same scale for every single game out there.

Parokki said:
I don't like how this game has been graded. It's clear that they loved it, and the only thing even resembling a complaint is "you'd better use control option B rather than A, because it's a lot better", yet all the scores are 7.something and an 8.5 for graphics. They're basically capping the scores at 8 because it's a low budget puzzle game, even though they describe it as pretty much the best low budget puzzle game imaginable.

Of course you can't really give the same score as Brawl or GTA4 either, which really begs the question if there's any point in using the same scale for every single game out there.

 granted but the more important thing is conspiracy released an odd budget puzzle game,

frankly my brother came up with a solution that would resolve the review scale thing, games should be rated on what they should cost against it's actual cost, granted there'd be territorialy descrepencies, but say this is worth 20/20 dollars, so for it's price it is a perfect game, target terror would be 10/40, it'd be worth paying 10 dollars for, but at 40 it is not very good, 


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep in mind that they also said something along the lines of, "It's fun, but lacks that addictive quality you look for in a truly great puzzle game." That might be the reason for the lower score.

Still, this is one of the reasons I love my Wii. The other systems can have their high-budget titles, so long as the Wii keeps getting its Ghost Squads, House of the Deads, Mercury Meltdowns, and Octomanias.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Parokki said:
I don't like how this game has been graded. It's clear that they loved it, and the only thing even resembling a complaint is "you'd better use control option B rather than A, because it's a lot better", yet all the scores are 7.something and an 8.5 for graphics. They're basically capping the scores at 8 because it's a low budget puzzle game, even though they describe it as pretty much the best low budget puzzle game imaginable.

Of course you can't really give the same score as Brawl or GTA4 either, which really begs the question if there's any point in using the same scale for every single game out there.

 This is why I think reviewers should move away from grades and scores altogether, and simply have their review state what's good, what's bad, and what type of player the game will appeal to. Sure it'll mean a little more work, since metacritic won't be able to do all the reviewing for us, but it'll hopefully force the reviewers to go into a bit more depth.

Oh, and thanks for the find masschamber. This means there's yet another Wii game that I'm interested in, but which has to compete with the half dozen others for my puny wallet. 

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they will also publish the thousandth Dragon's Lair port for the DS, I guess it won't suck too much.. 

and of course, it couldn't get any worse, right? :P  

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!