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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do You Plan on Buying a Switch 2?


Do You Plan on Buying a Switch 2?

Definitely, day one 266 43.89%
Yes, but not right away 166 27.39%
Maybe, I'm currently undecided 55 9.08%
Probably not, but there's a chance 52 8.58%
Definitely not 67 11.06%

Yup, never had a Switch. I was considering getting one to play Tears of the Kingdom but i'll just wait on the Switch 2 now.

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Yes, but most probably not on day one.

As soon as pre-orders go up, I'm in.  The OG has brought countless hours of quality entertainment to my family and I, and I am 100% ready for the next iteration.  Just gotta try and do something about my backlog before then.  /cringe

It depends on what comes out on it on day one. I would definitely get it if we get an enhanced Metroid Prime 4 version. Otherwise a new 3D Mario. The next Mario Kart alone is not enough for me to buy a new console

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Depends on the price and if Trump's fuckery makes the Switch 2 insanely expensive.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Mr.GameCrazy said:

Not on day 1, but I will definitely get the Switch 2!

You better have one by the time Splatoon 4 releases.

I'll probably day 1 it on the off chance Metroid Prime 4 has even slight enhancements on Switch 2. Metroid is no Zelda but the best possible experience for BotW was what hooked me into a day 1 purchase of the Switch.  I swore I was going to wait on that purchase after the WiiU but I crumbled as soon as I saw the BotW footage and hit a pre-order on Amazon.  This time I even have $500 sitting back in my savings account earmarked for the Switch 2.  The only thing that would give me pause would be if they pulled a PS3 and tried charging $600 bucks for it.

I really hope the C button is "community" and we have a MiiVerse like app.  I always loved seeing the art made my other players.

Yes! day one

King Switch 2 coming for 25 million on first year !!

I may have to wait until I can get it for Christmas.

The_Yoda said:
Mr.GameCrazy said:

Not on day 1, but I will definitely get the Switch 2!

You better have one by the time Splatoon 4 releases.

I'll probably day 1 it on the off chance Metroid Prime 4 has even slight enhancements on Switch 2. Metroid is no Zelda but the best possible experience for BotW was what hooked me into a day 1 purchase of the Switch.  I swore I was going to wait on that purchase after the WiiU but I crumbled as soon as I saw the BotW footage and hit a pre-order on Amazon.  This time I even have $500 sitting back in my savings account earmarked for the Switch 2.  The only thing that would give me pause would be if they pulled a PS3 and tried charging $600 bucks for it.

I really hope the C button is "community" and we have a MiiVerse like app.  I always loved seeing the art made my other players.

I'll try!

Yes! day one

King Switch 2 coming for 25 million on first year !!