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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do You Plan on Buying a Switch 2?


Do You Plan on Buying a Switch 2?

Definitely, day one 266 43.89%
Yes, but not right away 166 27.39%
Maybe, I'm currently undecided 55 9.08%
Probably not, but there's a chance 52 8.58%
Definitely not 67 11.06%

Its a handheld that plays physical media. For me its day 1, no matter the price and the games. (Would be the same for every other Console/ handheld with physical games media)!

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As soon as possible, assuming there is stock in Japan.

I’ve been buying Nintendo consoles on day one since GCN, and have no reason to stop now. In fact, if we’re lucky enough, we should have two in the household day one, since my wife is eager to get one too.

Probably day one, as long as it's not more than $399.

I did own the NS1 day 1, but that was because of Zelda Breath of the Wild. I first need to see 2 games I definitely want to play. If so, I will buy it day one.

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Yes day 1



I'll wait for mid-gen refresh.

I'm still have a ton of backlog for Switch and PS5 to keep me going. So hopefully by then the new Switch models will be better/cheaper(?) and will have tons of games ready for me.

Absolutely. At midnight if possible.

I'd also be fine if they'd released Switch 2 in 2027 to be honest! I have tons of unfinished games and MP4 will steal a lot of time. Of course i'd get the Switch 2 day 1 no matter the cost!

Day 1 if I can get my hands on it. With BC, there's no reason for me not to get one as soon as I am physically able to.

I've gotten the kids a couple switch lites, and the wife will inherit my Day 1 OG Switch.