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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony and Nintendo are in competition. But are they really?

Qwark said:

I would argue Nintendo absolutely crushes Sony on the parameters that matter. Software sales, brand strength and profit. On these aspects Sony can't hold a candle to Nintendo. In that regard Nintendo is a Giant brown bear and Sony a small black bear. Technically they compete but one is so dominant that it is not bothered by the other.

Sony just sold 4 million PS5's in November alone. What are you talking about when saying Nintendo is crushing Sony? The numbers don't back you up

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Hardstuck-Platinum said:

Definitely not competing. It's just what everyone on this website tells themselves for some reason or another. Who knows. Saying the Switch is competing with PS5 is like saying a WW2 british spitfire plane is competing with an F-35 fighter jet. makes no sense

The truth is  you do not like Nintendo. Thats no secret here. Sony was dominant durimg the PS1 and PS2 days. No one said Nintendo was a "different targeting group". Why? Because they did what the media wanted: loosing. In the PS3 ara that nonsense started with the "different target group. Power was the reason. If that was true Sony would be non competing in the PS1 and PS2 days because both times they had the weakest hardware. But Nintendo unexpectedly won the war. Media who expected (wished) Sony would have won was in shock. They needed an excuse. Fanboys where pissed. How can the "shitty Nintendo console" outsell my beloved PS3??? So they found a solution: Lets say Nintendo does not count, problem solved! Maybe humans are the fastest living individuums on earth. So lets exclude lions, fishes, birds... then maybe they will be.

@only777 Come on! Say what you want to say! You want to insult me? Go ahead, i can take it!!🤣😂

SanAndreasX said:
DroidKnight said:

When next gen begins it may be : (Nintendo & Xbox) vs (Playstation). Nin and box have been getting pretty cozy.

That's because Microsoft is losing the console wars. They're trying to bolster their position by allying themselves with the dominant Japanese console maker. They're probably also checking Nintendo over for a place to stick the knife. I doubt that getting laughed out of Kyoto 25 years ago quashed their ambitions to seize control of Nintendo. 

They won't try to purchase Nintendo, a working business relationship would be more lucrative.  Microsoft hasn't been in the console wars for many years (it's the fanboys still fighting in all camps trying to keep the war going).  Microsofts only concern is maximizing revenue, and they have been successfully accomplishing that.  With all their recent acquisitions, they have solidified their place in the gaming space for decades to come. Nintendo and Xbox working together would only strengthen their positions.  

Recent rumors have mentioned Xbox putting some of their 1st party games over on the Switch 2 which could be a major boost to Nintendo's Switch 2 appeal to more of the market, including Playstation gamers. 

I currently game on all 3 platforms, but I am considering only gaming on Nintendo platforms for future generations. avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

killer7 said:

@only777 Come on! Say what you want to say! You want to insult me? Go ahead, i can take it!!🤣😂

I like that!

But I already got a warning on a different thread for calling someones opinion "utter and complete drivel" and then calling them an idiot.

Sony want to make money by selling art, Nintendo want to make money by selling fun, Microsoft want to make money.

killer7 said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

Definitely not competing. It's just what everyone on this website tells themselves for some reason or another. Who knows. Saying the Switch is competing with PS5 is like saying a WW2 british spitfire plane is competing with an F-35 fighter jet. makes no sense

The truth is  you do not like Nintendo. Thats no secret here. Sony was dominant durimg the PS1 and PS2 days. No one said Nintendo was a "different targeting group". Why? Because they did what the media wanted: loosing. In the PS3 ara that nonsense started with the "different target group. Power was the reason. If that was true Sony would be non competing in the PS1 and PS2 days because both times they had the weakest hardware. But Nintendo unexpectedly won the war. Media who expected (wished) Sony would have won was in shock. They needed an excuse. Fanboys where pissed. How can the "shitty Nintendo console" outsell my beloved PS3??? So they found a solution: Lets say Nintendo does not count, problem solved! Maybe humans are the fastest living individuums on earth. So lets exclude lions, fishes, birds... then maybe they will be.

@only777 Come on! Say what you want to say! You want to insult me? Go ahead, i can take it!!🤣😂

Just because I don't see switch as a worthy competitor to PS5 doesn't mean I don't like it. I love most fighter Jets even though most are not worthy competitors to F-35. I love the Switch, I own one and play it frequently. It's great and worthy of it's success, but a worthy competitor to PS5 it is not.

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only777 said:
killer7 said:

@only777 Come on! Say what you want to say! You want to insult me? Go ahead, i can take it!!🤣😂

I like that!

But I already got a warning on a different thread for calling someones opinion "utter and complete drivel" and then calling them an idiot.

Its no drivel! Many people want Nintendo out of the console race. Instead they are winning! Thats what pisses them off! Of i hate Brazil can i say they do not count in soccer? Only because they won most Soccer world championships? Brazil is a poorer country so lets exclude them? What of i said VW targets a "diferent audience" so lets exclude them just because they sell the most cars? Only because a brand you do not like is winning does not make it a non competitior. Of course gamers are different in age, charakter, taste, nationality, size, wight, sexual preferences but they are all GAMERS! And that is it what counts. vgchartz tracks XboX Series, Switch and PS5 and directly compares them! So they do compete! That is it what counts!!

Last edited by killer7 - on 23 January 2025

They weren't competing in the same place until Astro Bot came around. They still aren't competing with each other, but Sony should focus on a few more Astro type games.

Hardstuck-Platinum said:
Qwark said:

I would argue Nintendo absolutely crushes Sony on the parameters that matter. Software sales, brand strength and profit. On these aspects Sony can't hold a candle to Nintendo. In that regard Nintendo is a Giant brown bear and Sony a small black bear. Technically they compete but one is so dominant that it is not bothered by the other.

Sony just sold 4 million PS5's in November alone. What are you talking about when saying Nintendo is crushing Sony? The numbers don't back you up

Where did I say hardware numbers, in which PS5 islaunch aligned still both behind PS4 and quite a bit behind Switch.

Playstation has zero IP's on the level of Mario and Pokémon. Nintendo sells way more software than Playstation and makes a lot more profit. Especially since their games tend to be sold for 60 euro for a long time.

In what way is Sony being able to compete with Nintendo. 

Please excuse my (probally) poor grammar

Hardstuck-Platinum said:
Qwark said:

I would argue Nintendo absolutely crushes Sony on the parameters that matter. Software sales, brand strength and profit. On these aspects Sony can't hold a candle to Nintendo. In that regard Nintendo is a Giant brown bear and Sony a small black bear. Technically they compete but one is so dominant that it is not bothered by the other.

Sony just sold 4 million PS5's in November alone. What are you talking about when saying Nintendo is crushing Sony? The numbers don't back you up

They are crushing Sony when it comes to 1st party software sales.  Most people that buy a PS5 do so to mainly play 3rd party games.  Not only does Nintendo sell way more first party games than Sony since they are rarely on sale, they also make way more money on each first party game than Sony.

Chris Hu said:
Hardstuck-Platinum said:

Sony just sold 4 million PS5's in November alone. What are you talking about when saying Nintendo is crushing Sony? The numbers don't back you up

They are crushing Sony when it comes to 1st party software sales.  Most people that buy a PS5 do so to mainly play 3rd party games.  Not only does Nintendo sell way more first party games than Sony since they are rarely on sale, they also make way more money on each first party game than Sony.

But,  why narrow it down to just the success of first party sales alone? Why does it matter if it's first or third. Doesn't make sense to ignore so many channels of revenue