The Last few years, since 2014, I've played story games I know very well and are the top of my list, with enough meat on the bones to last through the Xmas period. There is comfort in playing games you have played before and you know you love and it's become somewhat og a tradition. I don't know if I'll do the same this year or just continue what I'm playing cause I have so many games on the installed waiting to be played but if I do, I'll be choosing from one of the same games of the last 10 years which have each had a playthrough or two during the Christmas period, over the last decade.
GTA 5,
The Witcher 3,
Divinity OS1 and most recently,
Divinity OS2.
I have racked up so many hours in these games because of Christmas playthroughs. 900 in TW3, 1250 in GTA5, for example and nearly 300 hours in the other two. It is simple comfort food and I'd highly recommend it if you're one to get the holiday blues.
Do you have a game, games or some kind of Christmas routine you employ as somewhat of a tradition around gaming?
Last edited by LegitHyperbole - 1 day ago