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I Just got a modded Dreamcast with the GDEMU Mod and HDMI out with the full US library. Some Japanese games and PAL. Been trying some games I never played before. For those unware the GDEMU mod is taking out the disc drive and replacing it with a SD card mod loaded with Dreamcast roms. So it's running off the real hardware just without the disc drive. Also my shell is translucent blue with a blue LED.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Leynos said:

I Just got a modded Dreamcast with the GDEMU Mod and HDMI out with the full US library. Some Japanese games and PAL. Been trying some games I never played before. For those unware the GDEMU mod is taking out the disc drive and replacing it with a SD card mod loaded with Dreamcast roms. So it's running off the real hardware just without the disc drive. Also my shell is translucent blue with a blue LED.

That would be pretty cool to have! Where’d you get yours from? I’ve just been emulating on Redream for years now. Built up a massive ROM collection at least though lol 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:
Leynos said:

I Just got a modded Dreamcast with the GDEMU Mod and HDMI out with the full US library. Some Japanese games and PAL. Been trying some games I never played before. For those unware the GDEMU mod is taking out the disc drive and replacing it with a SD card mod loaded with Dreamcast roms. So it's running off the real hardware just without the disc drive. Also my shell is translucent blue with a blue LED.

That would be pretty cool to have! Where’d you get yours from? I’ve just been emulating on Redream for years now. Built up a massive ROM collection at least though lol 

Etsy but there are other sites if you just want to send your existing one in.

Or do it yourself. You can get GDEMUs even off Amazon. HDMI mod might be trickier. I just decided to go all out with replaced caps. Fused controller board. New battery and fan and PSU along with the GDEMU and a full SD card. It's more costly tho.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

 Leynos said:
G2ThaUNiT said:

That would be pretty cool to have! Where’d you get yours from? I’ve just been emulating on Redream for years now. Built up a massive ROM collection at least though lol 

Etsy but there are other sites if you just want to send your existing one in.

Or do it yourself. You can get GDEMUs even off Amazon. HDMI mod might be trickier. I just decided to go all out with replaced caps. Fused controller board. New battery and fan and PSU along with the GDEMU and a full SD card. It's more costly tho.

Good to know! How do these modded consoles work with peripherals? I enjoyed playing the likes of Typing of the Dead and House of the Dead 2 lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:
 Leynos said:

Etsy but there are other sites if you just want to send your existing one in.

Or do it yourself. You can get GDEMUs even off Amazon. HDMI mod might be trickier. I just decided to go all out with replaced caps. Fused controller board. New battery and fan and PSU along with the GDEMU and a full SD card. It's more costly tho.

Good to know! How do these modded consoles work with peripherals? I enjoyed playing the likes of Typing of the Dead and House of the Dead 2 lol

Aside from the disc drive replaced. It's a normal Dreamcast. Everything works fine on it. The GDEMU is not emulating the console but the disc drive itself. So the DC is still a normal console.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Around the Network
Leynos said:

I Just got a modded Dreamcast with the GDEMU Mod and HDMI out with the full US library. Some Japanese games and PAL. Been trying some games I never played before. For those unware the GDEMU mod is taking out the disc drive and replacing it with a SD card mod loaded with Dreamcast roms. So it's running off the real hardware just without the disc drive. Also my shell is translucent blue with a blue LED.

This is badass! Older games and classics are best enjoyed as true to their original form as possible, this is as close as we get today. Do you have original controllers, or ones modeled after them? The Dreamcast was an underrated machine, there were quite a few bangers in its small library of games by the time it died off.

My cousin had a SEGA Saturn; it was the only one I ever saw out in the wild, to this day.

Mummelmann said:
Leynos said:

I Just got a modded Dreamcast with the GDEMU Mod and HDMI out with the full US library. Some Japanese games and PAL. Been trying some games I never played before. For those unware the GDEMU mod is taking out the disc drive and replacing it with a SD card mod loaded with Dreamcast roms. So it's running off the real hardware just without the disc drive. Also my shell is translucent blue with a blue LED.

This is badass! Older games and classics are best enjoyed as true to their original form as possible, this is as close as we get today. Do you have original controllers, or ones modeled after them? The Dreamcast was an underrated machine, there were quite a few bangers in its small library of games by the time it died off.

My cousin had a SEGA Saturn; it was the only one I ever saw out in the wild, to this day.

I have a whole collection of retro and new physical games/consoles. I have two other Dreamcasts, which are normal(one Black SEGA Sports one and another I shelled to blue). While I do have OG DC controllers, I prefer to use the retro fighters controllers. For the one modded one, I use a wireless retro fighters pad. My US Saturn just sits on a shelf but play the Japanese Saturn fairly often (retro consoles are connected to the 2 CRTs)  but not as often since I got my Polymega a year ago. Tho I use the Retrobit Saturn controller for that and then the standard Polymega controller for PS1 stuff.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:
Mummelmann said:

This is badass! Older games and classics are best enjoyed as true to their original form as possible, this is as close as we get today. Do you have original controllers, or ones modeled after them? The Dreamcast was an underrated machine, there were quite a few bangers in its small library of games by the time it died off.

My cousin had a SEGA Saturn; it was the only one I ever saw out in the wild, to this day.

I have a whole collection of retro and new physical games/consoles. I have two other Dreamcasts, which are normal(one Black SEGA Sports one and another I shelled to blue). While I do have OG DC controllers, I prefer to use the retro fighters controllers. For the one modded one, I use a wireless retro fighters pad. My US Saturn just sits on a shelf but play the Japanese Saturn fairly often (retro consoles are connected to the 2 CRTs)  but not as often since I got my Polymega a year ago. Tho I use the Retrobit Saturn controller for that and then the standard Polymega controller for PS1 stuff.

I have some of my older stuff somewhere in my parents' house, I've never been able to fit everything at home since I've lived in apartments all my adult life. I wish I could though, there are few things cooler than a display of proper gamer gear and great condition. I can fit my rig and newer consoles, the TV (which is a hunk of granite) and a 4K player. My books are out there at least, but they're much easier to store/display.

Back home, I have a Commodore 64, an Amiga 500, a NES, a N64, and an original PS1 (the phat one), all with working controllers. Unfortunately, the Commodore 64 doesn't have a single, surviving game, the disks were poorly stored and have simply faded. The later 3.5" disks for games were much more hardy.

I'm starting to get fed up with POE2's death penalty. It makes no sense. I'm trying to catch up with my wife with the chaos trials, but there you lose xp as well on death and all the bullshit modifiers that accumulate got me on the end boss.

Btw the Chaos trials also don't work in co-op, the game doesn't let you start it as it claims for both of us that only the map owner can choose the parameters.

Maybe I can use the shittema trials to catch up as the game freezes when you run out of honor and thus don't die... My wife leveled, so she is 'safe' for now (can't go below 0 in the next level), but I'm falling further behind with every death.

Terrible game design, every seems stacked against couch co-op. Why do developers hate couch co-op so much. They'll include it to get more sales as it's rare to have nowadays, but then they make such a shitty job of it. Tons of things don't work for my wife, the game crashes or locks up shortly after I die in a map, only one person can use the shop at the time (which is the only thing that works for my wife as p2, she can't use waypoints, the tool benches, can't pick up waystones in maps)

I don't know about this game anymore, it keeps getting worse in the end game. Sure there are still fun experiences, but then you suddenly get one shot again and the game crashes shortly after as it can't handle P2 walking away from P1's corpse. It's a roller coaster that's starting to fall apart.

SvennoJ said:

I'm starting to get fed up with POE2's death penalty. It makes no sense. I'm trying to catch up with my wife with the chaos trials, but there you lose xp as well on death and all the bullshit modifiers that accumulate got me on the end boss.

Btw the Chaos trials also don't work in co-op, the game doesn't let you start it as it claims for both of us that only the map owner can choose the parameters.

Maybe I can use the shittema trials to catch up as the game freezes when you run out of honor and thus don't die... My wife leveled, so she is 'safe' for now (can't go below 0 in the next level), but I'm falling further behind with every death.

Terrible game design, every seems stacked against couch co-op. Why do developers hate couch co-op so much. They'll include it to get more sales as it's rare to have nowadays, but then they make such a shitty job of it. Tons of things don't work for my wife, the game crashes or locks up shortly after I die in a map, only one person can use the shop at the time (which is the only thing that works for my wife as p2, she can't use waypoints, the tool benches, can't pick up waystones in maps)

I don't know about this game anymore, it keeps getting worse in the end game. Sure there are still fun experiences, but then you suddenly get one shot again and the game crashes shortly after as it can't handle P2 walking away from P1's corpse. It's a roller coaster that's starting to fall apart.

That's one reason why I stepped away from the early access until the full release. It isn't very balanced in the endgame, so I am not wasting my time dying over and over to imbalance and being punished by it.

Remember at least 6 months of balancing until the full release. A lot can change.

As for me I am now playing Dynasty Warriors Origin. It is fun, the gameplay is better but... still a lackluster experience without my favorite officers. Also another game undoubtably that moved away from couch co-op.