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Leynos said:
Mummelmann said:

This is badass! Older games and classics are best enjoyed as true to their original form as possible, this is as close as we get today. Do you have original controllers, or ones modeled after them? The Dreamcast was an underrated machine, there were quite a few bangers in its small library of games by the time it died off.

My cousin had a SEGA Saturn; it was the only one I ever saw out in the wild, to this day.

I have a whole collection of retro and new physical games/consoles. I have two other Dreamcasts, which are normal(one Black SEGA Sports one and another I shelled to blue). While I do have OG DC controllers, I prefer to use the retro fighters controllers. For the one modded one, I use a wireless retro fighters pad. My US Saturn just sits on a shelf but play the Japanese Saturn fairly often (retro consoles are connected to the 2 CRTs)  but not as often since I got my Polymega a year ago. Tho I use the Retrobit Saturn controller for that and then the standard Polymega controller for PS1 stuff.

I have some of my older stuff somewhere in my parents' house, I've never been able to fit everything at home since I've lived in apartments all my adult life. I wish I could though, there are few things cooler than a display of proper gamer gear and great condition. I can fit my rig and newer consoles, the TV (which is a hunk of granite) and a 4K player. My books are out there at least, but they're much easier to store/display.

Back home, I have a Commodore 64, an Amiga 500, a NES, a N64, and an original PS1 (the phat one), all with working controllers. Unfortunately, the Commodore 64 doesn't have a single, surviving game, the disks were poorly stored and have simply faded. The later 3.5" disks for games were much more hardy.