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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The 15th Annual Greatest Games Event - The Discussion Thread

UnderwaterFunktown said:
drbunnig said:

10 and 6 are both correct. 8 is incorrect - Super Mario 64 is already in my list at number 11 or 12.

well my other guess for 8 was Breath of the Wild

That is also incorrect - that's on my list as number 13.

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#14 The Last Of Us

The reason I bought a PS3. Fantastic game. Probably the first time I really thought that the good graphics really brought something extra to the experience. I liked just looking around the environment. Emotional, human and tragic. The use of fungi as the reason for the zombie-like state is in my opinion the best explanation used. 

This is also one of very very few, probably uniquely so, games that have made me angry about the only possible choice for the player. I almost stopped playing completely when I understood that I had to kill the doctor to proceed. I really did not want to. The game ending soon after gave me a real bad taste. Maybe the fatherly feeling I was supposed to feel for Ellie was not strong enough for me to sacrifice all of humanity for it. But even if I did not like that, the impact and strong feelings this game created make it a great game and story.

#13 Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney

This game means so much for me. I place it in the point and click adventure genre but It is probably more correctly a visual novel. The characters are fun and the music is so great it is often found in totally unrelated youtube videos. One of the most meme-worthy games out there. I have ever since my first play through placed the ace attorney series as one of the very best series in gaming. Every new release ever since has been a must-buy for me.

What this game does so damn well is making you feel smart figuring out how all things actually are connected. And the humor is some of the best in any game. This series have brought me both tears and laughter as well as the illusion that I might be an ok thinker. And I really want to stay in that fantasy.

#12 Mario Kart Double Dash!!

The best deal in gaming history. A Gamecube with Mario Kart Double Dash!! packed in as well as a Zelda collectors edition for 120 dollars, new directly from the retailer. Looking back in the mirror this deal was just stupidly good. Me and two of my brothers bought it and to this day, when all brothers meet up with our little sister (the nerdiest of us all) we play Mario Kart Double Dash!!. The kart racing premiered technical ability a lot more than most of the games in the franchises making it possible to avoid not only red shells but blue shells as well.

The two best battle modes of the franchise are both exclusively present in Double Dash, Bob omb battle and shine thief. Both featuring modes that in theory can be played for infinity while all bad copies of these modes have a timer. I would so much want to trade this game for a modern Mario Kart with online capabilities, but no other Mario Kart has touched the same level of fun for me as hitting the current shine owner with a shell 1 second from game ending. Almost the best thing one could multiplay on gamecube. Almost.

UnderwaterFunktown said:
Farsala said:

10 and 6 are correct.

7 is close but no.

Nice halfway blind guess on 10. 7 must be Kingdom Hearts 2 then?

Correct on 7 now. OG KH is a bit lower at #13.

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#11 Fire Emblem

I go back and forth between the first GBA release of this franchise and the first western release when it comes to which one I think is the best, but there is no question at all what game had the most impact on me as a gamer. Following the tale of Lyn, easing me into the non-forgiving gameplay of fire emblem into the big scoop explored in Eliwoods tale to the brutal Hector Hard mode. Abundant in secrets and character lore this game has everything to make it a tough nut to crack for any completionist. 

This game set the standard for what I want from a Fire emblem game, and just about each new instalment have removed something that in my mind is important, the unforgiving gameplay, making each kill count (not being able to farm experience points) and a story that hints at a bigger picture and additional connections that can only be found out experience the brother game. I think I never will play another Fire Emblem that is to my liking, but that might be okay since I still can, and will, replay this game again and again giving myself new rules to follow to keep it interesting. I actually like, playing and replaying, trying and retrying the same map over and over until I find the perfect way to play. Advance Wars Dual Strike almost never leaves my DS Lite, and Fire Emblem almost never leave the GBA port of my DS lite. 

#10 League of Legends

It is popular to hate on this game. Seems almost like an internet must to comment how bad this game is each time it is mentioned. Well, they are wrong. League of Legends is great. The music from this game occupy my playlist more than any other franchise by a lot. The multiplayer is fantastic, the rooster is wast, the game modes are varied, the e-sport scene is fantastic and the players... well okay, the players are mostly crap. But! The game is great.

Today there are quite a lot of high profile games that uses some kind of free to play model, but League of Legends was one of the first games that really succeeded with the model. Back in my time at the university it was such a great thing that all of my mates simply could download this game and play together most other games needed a beast pc or the same console brand. Even if the main thing was to keep in contact and chat and joke around with the gang, League of Legends was a beacon to gather around. I was never good at this game, and never will be, but it has been good to me, and for that I'm very thankful.

#9 StarCraft

Cool! This game is cool! Very cool! The sounds, the story, the characters, the menus, the voices, the maps, the style everything is so cool. I was a fan of Warcraft 2 and Age of Empires but Starcraft just took the real time strategy up to the heights of masters. It was the first game that made me interested in e-sports. To this day it is mind boggling how good some players could be at this.

I started playing this game at a friend and it took a few years before I got myself a copy. At that moment I did not even know that brood war was an expansion. To me it is so much integrated into the game that I consider it included in the name Starcraft. Starcraft 2 improved a lot mainly as a spectator e-sport but for me it never touched the greatness and coolness of the original. just starting this game up give me goosebumps. 

#8 Super Smash Bros Melee

For the best multi player game on the purple cube we have a an accident of a game that struck something within a set of gamers that played it and never stopped. This game and the stories told around it from the fantastic Smash Brothers documentary to the more recent e-sport reports of late. There was a time where we had a small community in my small home town that each Monday met at a small runed down warehouse turned leisure farm and played Melee. The speed and explosivity and chaos of the game combined with the unique almost sandbox like play each person could bring. 

I still play smash, but I do not play melee. But I still watch high quality tournaments of this game. The masters of this game are wizards with a controller. And the impact this game has had on me is present in the friends and frenemies I made and the ridiculous wombo-combos of the best players who picked it up. Now if switch 2 gets gamecube games as part of nintendo online and make this officially playable online it will get a resurge I'm sure. Imo Melee will be around longer than Ultimate - even if the later probably is a better game over all. 

#7 Heroes of Might and Magic 3

I do not really know why this entry still to me feels like the crown jewel of the Might and Magic series. The best turn based strategy game there is. Even if this is the best it has its fair share of flaws. The fractions are not very balanced and so is not the magic system where quite a few of the lower level magics are better than the some of the highest magic level ones. The focus on gold makes the build path almost always the same - gain as much income buildings as possible. 

But no matter the few flaws this gem of a game have, the beautiful castles, the sounds, playing defence when someone try to bring your main town down. It has something that is hard to put a finger on for me. I just love this game. It is so far the only game ever that kept me up all night playing. I also set an alarm clock early on Saturday morning just to be able to snatch the family computer before my siblings to play this game. Long live the black dragon!